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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. Best weapon is a medkit
  2. I just wanted to take a moment to thank all you GEMS I've met in the past few weeks and how much it makes a medic's job so much more enjoyable. We see some pretty ruthless action around our island, and it always helps to see a friendly face around.
  3. You forgot Black Ops 4 Royale Panda :)!
  4. Does anyone know if there is a place where we can see all the titles that can be unlocked?
  5. I like the sound of that
  6. Yeah for sure. Maybe it would be cool as another rebel perk to set these contracts since it would have to be an illegal activity obviously ahha I would think anyone could collect the bounty as if I want to put a 300k bounty on communistjosh for example I would have to front that cash so whoever carries out the job gets the check ultimately from me.
  7. It would be pretty cool to see it become another illegal activity to do. There could be some kind of illegal zone that you could go and place contracts on other people-- would it be restricted to rebels i.e only available at a rebel outpost, or a new red zone entirely?
  8. I showed him my APD badge I know right he could have arrested I think
  9. Got out of it with an 80 mph fine!
  10. Hey, So yesterday on my way back from some shopping, I found myself being pulled over by the state police while busting out my lungs to Post's new album. Dude clocked me at 110mph in a 65 zone. The officer wrote me a ticket and sent me on my way. In any event, all I was thinking was if the guy would follow APD's L.I.S.T -- and when he didn't I realized that I've forgotten what I'm writing about. Have a great night y'all!
  11. I use Nord and it's never let me down -- really good customer support too. I'd just pay the subscription-- it's a fair price and you can cancel/ get a refund any time. I also think they have a free trial available.
  12. I used to CS bet a lot and I lost a LOT of pretty nice skins but I would probably sign up to a blacklist so I cant loose all my money here too..
  13. I think late night/ early morning is teh best time to play -- I made most of my $ in teh hours of like 1am- 8am hahah
  14. How did this work? Was it based upon community feedback or how much money the player made?
  15. That's a pretty good point! I guess if anything it would calm the other person down in terms of how much money they are willing to risk by betting, and force them to try and work some more. I would hope so at least-- if not they would probably end up broke haha
  16. If someone has given comp in game and the other person still reports him after the fact-- wouldn't that be a worse deed than the person breaking the rules? I feel like that deserves a more severe punishment because it's pretty low to scam someone like that no?
  17. True-- I guess it's down to the people involved with the betting on the risk they are taking when they do. I do like the system (and the lotto) very much so no complaints here. It's always sad to see people go broke over their gambling!
  18. It allows new people to get rich on levels I have never seen before. Someone with only a 100k in the bank can get to 10mil in just one day with a little luck. Is it making people value doing runs/ getting jobs? I thought when it was taken down that it would come back with like a 100k limit or something like that-- but I see people loosing/ gaining days of work every few minutes in Kavala
  19. A purge, you say?
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