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Everything posted by Queachy

  1. Started olympus in 2015, still play today. Gotta love it
  2. if 18 cops on doesn't make staff consider the stupidity to this then Olympus needs serious help
  3. Looking for a DP13 Garage
  4. Queachy


    anything that would hurt the apd in any way, even by capping how many can be on would never happen.
  5. Queachy

    Who won?

    how old are y’all? LMFAOO
  6. what are those gun sounds
  7. Corn for Chief Of Police!
  8. Hats for chief of police
  9. Just a general question, does anyone know anything about more quests coming to olympus? I feel there is endless possibilities with question even as different faction based quests, maybe titles for completing certain quests and or a certain amount of quests. The quest system has a ton of potential i think, ESPECIALLY for getting new players that aren’t allowed to be killed while doing certain quests so they don’t get robbed by a bunch of rebels right away and leave the server. Olympus is home to many many people and new players are what makes it amazing. Old players too but new players keep us going as well. Rebels could have certain quests, Vigilantes, APD, Medics, General quests for civilians that any factions could do. Just a thought though it probably is already in the works but i wanted to ask. Thanks everyone!
  10. Current: HVAC Service Technician Dream Job: Cereal Shack
  11. I liked the rain personally
  12. I hope everyone has a spabtooblious day. 07
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    Happy Birthday Buddy!

    1. Orgondo


      The fact that you found this is gold. Lol thanks

  14. Server went to shit when Poseidon left.
  15. Remove or No?
  16. Im guessing some DLC Items are gonna be added to olympus servers?
  17. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198167953738/
  18. Love you corporal hawk <3
  19. ummm, ok
  20. Fuckin nerds. Hate that shitty gang
  21. National Slurpee Day
  22. So hyped for this update but not gonna be able to play when its released for IRL reasons
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