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Everything posted by ItsGG

  1. I just wanna know what gang or gangs you guys think own sidechat?
  2. North cartel above sofia airfield requires an ifrit to push, I've tried multiple times to push on foot, even with all the rocks there is still a gap in which you have to run out in the open totally visible to the defenders and hope they potato while you run. While defending its very easy to see just about everything.... maybe add more cover between cap and the forest? Only other method of attack I could think of without a frit for that cartel would be to shark
  3. My friend, it seems for your sake and for this forums sake that you should just stay away from cops lol
  4. I like the idea but I don't think we want to make it IMPOSSIBLE for rebels to save their friends lol rescue missions are so much goddam fun xD. I do like the bulletproof glass tho.
  5. When he walks in while the APD are processing you and touches you everywhere, then the officers left me all alone in the room with him to touch me even more... lost my virginity in that room
  6. Whens this shit coming back I can't wait any longerrr :/
  7. I know it hasn't been too long since Tanoa (which I still miss), but as of lately the 2 Olympus servers from what I've seen have almost always been both completely full during peak hours of the day, and not just civs either the APD and RnR normally as of lately have had really high numbers as well. I know I don't understand shit when it comes to adding another server or the work that's needed for that to happen, but waiting 20 mins spamming enter to get into either server on a Monday night never used to happen until after the Christmas Holidays where we got A LOT of newcomers and gangs. Maybe if we could simply add another Altis server to balance the increasing amount of players playing on the servers? I'm not saying I don't like having more players, but there are times I get frustrated trying to get into the servers and I sometimes miss out due to that. I'm not asking for a 3rd server to open up tomorrow, I'm just asking if we will see one in the future for when the servers really start to overpopulate? Let me know what you guys think
  8. I had this problem when i first got my PC, although i was using an Xbox one headset it didn't pick up my mic at all and i knew the headset worked. The way i ended up fixing it was i went into my windows 10 settings and uninstalled my drivers and instead installed the base windows 10 driver. Not sure why but that seemed to work, but it did the job for me and I hope this helps. I also hope you're using Windows 10 otherwise this isn't helpful for shit
  9. A clip of you literally SITTING ON A ROCK for 20mins watching someone swim around you and then say the guy swimming is camping.... my head hurts
  10. I originally thought that was too low as well but for my gpu and specs all i need is a 300W
  11. Hey, I'm not too good when it comes to the technical part of pcs, but I know my pc is not complete shit. I have always struggled to get solid frames on the game and was wondering if any of you guys know what upgrades I'd need to get solid frames or just any tips or tricks to get better frames (while still being able to have my view distance up far enough to put up a fight), i literally have all my graphics settings in Arma set as low as possible and yet there are times (especially during gun fights) where my frames go to shit out of no where. I normally get on average 35 frames and i simply just want to be able to play Arma without the frame drops and continuous low frames Whats in my pc that I know about lol intel core i5-4460 Nvidia Geforce gtx960 400W Corsair psu and I have Arma installed on a Corsair Force LE 240GB SSD http://plays.tv/video/581800489c775fca94/when-you-realize-you-need-a-new-pc-rip-newpc?from=user sums up my cartel experiences^ I appreciate any help tips or suggestions!
  12. I understand civs out numbered the APD, but I'm unsure as to how we took out the 3 hunters and only got one of the hvts. Not sure if it was a civ error or not but that seemed to confuse the majority of civs. Aside from that your explanation makes sense and all I ask is for next time that you pretty please do a pre-event debrief like you said because if you heard our ts with 15 people guessing about the details of the event, you might contemplate suicide
  13. Happy that the staff are doing events now however I hope they could be more organized and even. The one done today was favoured for cops and had rules changing non stop like the locations and the route, I hope there can be less confusion and more effort put into them as everyone who took part was very disappointed. I hope you listen to players who take part in the events and listen to their feedback
  14. FFS I always miss them. Is there a schedule? Or are they just random or whenever there's enough staff on? I bet if people knew when events were planned to take place they'd hop on for a bit just to take part
  15. Just curious as to how certain gangs automatically got byes, not sure how those worked considering the same gangs had to fight first round back to back gang wars.... maybe you could do a draw or some sort of qualifiers to determine who get the byes?
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