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  1. Imagine taking out gang founds just to stay number 1 hahahahah retard idiot cats 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr GOAT
    3. Billeh


      @an overweight giant retard Lmk if you need help lmao my money is almost useless to me at this point 

    4. Billeh


      + i got stupid luck when betting 

  2. Don't know if you guys can make an automated script that bans/kicks all the people that try to join the server,who don't have more then lets say 0-30 hours on the server/arma?

    That way u get to kick/ban them even before they could join in to do damage/fuck things up.


    Limit wire transfer money to lets say 20-30 mil max,anything above that amount would result a player kick from the server.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. De Fuk

      De Fuk

      Not saying it should stay like that forever,just for some time until they try to figure out how to prevent stuff like that happening.


    3. DeadPool


      Its all been noted

    4. Vcx


      Well hacked money doesn't go through wire transfers, it's just practically put into your account through a script in a sense, otherwise you'd get the wire transferred notification so it doesn't do anything, and putting a cap into what players can join with a certain amount of hours does limit new Ayers from joining but let's be honest 95% of Olympus players have the required amount new or not but idk about that part of the idea.

  3. Don't know if you guys can make an automated script that bans/kicks all the people that try to join the server who don't have more then lets say 0-30 hours on the server/arma? That way u get to kick/ban them even before they could join in to do damage/fuck things up. Limit wire transfer money to lets say 20-30 mil max,anything above that amount would result a player kick from the server.
  4. 0kills hahahahahaahah

    1. Mk-1


      i had one in kav bitch not bad for 0 hours of sleep and sick asf huh 

  5. Bots mk-1 you got 0 kills and you talk so much shit in game hahahaahahahah so bad 

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