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Everything posted by DeathDingo

  1. Welcome to Olympus
  2. Well I could mention ALOT of instances where this is the case. So I guess we will agree to disagree.
  3. If a person tends to cheat on one game, that same person will cheat on others. Once a cheat always a cheat and I would never trust that person.
  4. My internet is messed up and my download is 0.23 at the moment. Hopefully be fixed soon.

  5. This describes a lot of my security work Hades.
  6. Well I mucked up something, so had to call the pc doctor lol. Bent a pin somehow (my big paws I blame for this). The pc doctor bent the pin back into shape and saved the new processor and now she is running great. Next up more RAM and a new graphics card :)

    1. Deathtripper
    2. Jorbis


      You are one lucky guy, there's a slim to none chance of a cpu working after a pin is re-bent.

    3. DeathDingo


      Yeah I got real lucky.

  7. installing a new processor myself, hopefully I dont mess something up as Im just learning as I go lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dannyfrog87


      my bad i meant my pc case is metal

    3. dannyfrog87


      anyway it was mostly right what i said it just hit 7 am here lol

    4. DeathDingo


      Well I mucked up something, so had to call the pc doctor lol. Bent a pin somehow (my big paws I blame for this). The pc doctor bent the pin back into shape and saved the new processor and now she is running great. Next up more RAM and a new graphics card :)

  8. I would have sent him to jail lol
  9. wow looks good. I have been waiting for jungle warfare since playing arma 3 and the planes and new vehicles....OMG...
  10. sometimes simple is better!!!

  11. Im back...time for some pew pew and rockets boom boom lol.

    1. Goldberg


      wb dingo we missed u here man^^

  12. Wow, Poseidon this would be the greatest thing ever in my opinion. I really hope all this happens and I would help in any way that I could!!!
  13. its Fight Week here leading up to a Fight Night this Friday Im judging and refereeing. If in Melbourne Australia PM me for info.

  14. Have a speedy recovery mate!!! Hope to see you back in action soon!!
  15. Welcome back Pink. Looking forward to seeing you around
  16. ...Heli's have been a lot cheaper since the wipe. At least the Mohawk, Taru and Huron.
  17. I love Olympus and have been here since July of last year and will be here until I am forced to leave I would like to see Heli's made way harder to buy (APD included), so people run more on the ground. Its too easy just to fly up high and "look around" to see what everybody is doing on the whole map. Its too easy to see someone and go rob them the way it is. Maybe increase the starting money to 100k for new players ...maybe code it so they only get this in a one off payment when they first join the Server and even if they pull out all their money, they dont get any more after that one off payment besides the normal paychecks. The market system needs to change in my opinion, its just not worth doing Legal runs the way it is and half of the Illegal Drugs are hardly worth it these days. I would like to see R&R and the APD have no restrictions on where they can go on the Map, this would encourage more RP and encourage more people to play these roles I believe, plus encourage more firefights as well . These are just a couple ideas I have thought about for a long time and I have faith that Olympus will be back stronger than ever in the future. In the meantime, lets all have fun out there and stop complaining. It is a game after all. On a last note I would like to say Thank You to all the Players that have played and still play and say Thank you to ALL the Staff from the Dev to Admins to Mods and Community Team...Thank you because without all of you non of this would be possible
  18. Drag Races here at my local track at Phillip Island...bring it on down Ksay3 and burn it up!! Braaaaaappp
  19. All I know is Olympus is the BEST Gaming Community Ive ever seen or been part of. I have been on here since late July 2014, and I have seen a lot of people come and go through my time. And most people that leave end up coming back Ive noticed...why? because Olympus is the BEST out there. I look at a gaming server like any Non-Profit business, people will always come and go, some people will always complain, but in the end its like any business, some people leave and new people will replace the old...sometimes its more noticeable then at other times depending on the time of year or in our case, the wipe made it a little more noticeable...but at the end of the day its called turnover and in a month or two Olympus will be stronger then ever before in my opinion. And to all the regular players that are active and to all the Admins and Mods and Dev...I say Thank You for helping make Olympus the Best out there
  20. What an awesome Event and the Rebels won, great job by everyone involved :) ... #Rebels4Life

  21. its time, its pew pew time!!!

  22. I was witness to some of this today and that Medic among a lot of other Medics should not be R&R and it makes me sick that a lot of R&R lately has been acting out of line. They are very lucky Im not still R&R because a lot of them would not be on the roster...period!!!
  23. Welcome to Olympus Dave, hope to see you around
  24. if I could only stop blowing up my Mohawk just for 1 day :)

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