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Everything posted by DeathDingo

  1. ahhh just another day in paradise here on Olympus!!

  2. Its very addictive I rekon....my fave all-time game is Olympus Altis Life!!!
  3. what a fun day/night...hostages, trial by combat, more hostages, and fun with friends=priceless :)

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      That's what it's all about!

  4. Thank you to all that make Olympus so much fun to play on :)

    1. Dustin87


      You could have just said my name lol

    2. Caustic1
    3. SPBojo


      no problem dingo, anyday.


  5. Congrats to Jmart for making SGT on the APD!!! Looking forward to seeing you up in your new Ghosthawk.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Congrats jmart. Was a pleasure working with you fine gentlemen last night!

    3. Fastik


      OMG jmart no way lol Congratulations!

    4. Gucci Mane
  6. Shin kicking people helps me blow off steam
  7. Time for a little PEW PEW PEW tonight I rekon!!

    1. SPBojo


      rdm, comp or ban

    2. DeathDingo


      someone already cried that in side lmao

    3. SPBojo
  8. my internet tech can't get to me until the 23rd of this month. I live an hour from a City of over 4mil people, but I might as well be living on Mars as good as this service is.

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Head over to Melbourne for the race this weekend, man! You ought to be happy that you have an excuse to see F1 in person! Man, I wish I could live an hour away from an F1 circuit.

    2. DeathDingo


      Yeah I'll be going in for either sat or sun. Its always a good time up at the track.

    3. Fat Clemenza
  9. Kavala and its "Mayor" Dingle Pooper deserve to have the gunstore back inside of Kavala City limits
  10. I think a dingo has ate my internet somewhere...I might be out of action until its fixed.

    1. SPBojo
    2. Deathtripper
    3. DeathDingo


      They have some dingo hunters on the case, waiting to hear word of what they find lol

  11. Refereeing and judging at a MMA show tonight. I'll back to the apple orchard soon.

  12. I went to jail...then The Jkat Mafia and BurBan broke me out with the most epic jailbreak battle I have seen...then 2 ghosthawks flying away saying GG. Thank you!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      How many rounds did the APD go? I forgot.

    3. sinister_


      yeah I had so much fun too! thanks all!!

  13. Server 2's Ping has been around 200 higher for me since "the big update"...server 1 is still good. Its like its in Europe or something now??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Server 2 is located in Canada now.

    3. DeathDingo


      Thanks Gary. That explains why it has raised it for me as Im in the land down under lol.

    4. Deathtripper


      I don't know aboot anyone else, but it got better for me as i am on the border. Eh?

  14. Oh you know, just chillin on the "farm"...

  15. Welcome
  16. How many "frags" can be thrown in the next few days is the question?

    1. Warfare


      more like how many explosive charges will be touched off.

    2. DeathDingo


      Yes, I forgot all about them haha.

  17. Thanks Warfare and the rest of your Team. This is really good. I enjoyed the read. Keep up the good work!!
  18. throw your hands up and reach for the sky, if you don't you will surely die...

    1. Fedot
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Ring out, wild bells and let him die

  19. who wants to play catch with frags??

  20. nothing much beats doing an ifrit patrol...

  21. Me and my amigos down incognito...

    1. Deathtripper


      SevenFive Braaaaps


  22. There must be a way to summon the higher powers...I have faith!!!
  23. the People of Olympus want Poseidon on the BLTN Podcast...

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