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Everything posted by Pablo

  1. has 0 recoil and nutty rate of fire
  2. MK-1 ARCO or Type 115 RCO on a cheap day.
  3. Making EU players fight at 2am for GW nice! :Kappa:

  4. Your expectations are a bit high dont be bumed when you realise the true prices xD
  5. 5 mil ?
  6. I got one with 5 mags how much you offering ?
  7. What's the highest bounty been on olympus ? im on 17.8mil rn

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chaos


      I know Luke dukes is 14 mil

    3. Dangus


      Moods was like 16. I remember cause I was a cop that got him. Then he was robocopped, sent to jail, and I never saw a penny, even though I transported him more than halfway across cartel island, while getting shot at from every direction, don't forget I also saved a cop strider as well. So yeah, but I've only ever seen 17. It was a good end to a server restart. Until the cop got demoted, and then left apd.

  8. This should be fun
  9. Improve cartel fights not vehicle skins you gotta pay for :FeelsBad:

    1. Fuzy


      I agree with you, but the server isn't all about cartel fights. Let's be honest, who wouldn't want a custom gang skin for their ifrit?

    2. Pablo


      I can see the cool side of having the skins dont get me wrong, but I feel the cartels been neglected for a long time even just like 2 new spots would spice it up for a while.

    3. Dangus


      Peter I believe is working on them. I seem to remember him saying that.

  10. #AddMoreCartels  :P

    1. Augustus


      and warzone outpost :lol:

  11. This forum post is pure gold
  12. This just shows people want a change in the cartel system because its been the same for so long.
  13. Anyone need a player for gang wars ? :FeelsBad: #RipMomentum

  14. I think they should add some sort of like points you get for killing at cartels kinda like asylum but you can use them to buy like rare ifrit / other vehicle skins.
  15. I feel like cartels need something new to encourage players to go capture them but not speeding up runs as they are pretty fast as they are.
  16. I say keep the vigi's how they because they are less powerful than cops meaning people who want to make money by catching people apply for cops, therefor meaning there's a more powerful cop force with more members so rebels can do things like BW and FED on a more regular basis. (and for that aids town of kavala EW!).
  17. Someone made a sign for an ARMA 3 gang to try get it on tv and you have the nerve to ask someone else how old they are....
  18. Giving vigi's better guns may seem like a good idea but I already see so much vigi abuse going on and giving them better stuff is just going to make this matter worse I think. Also with some tactics and a friend being a vigi is really easy I have done it many of times and the sting has not let me down. #FuckVigi's
  19. I use to get this a while back, then I completly cleaned up my hardrive deleted like 500gb of shit, now my game is alot better and I never texture bug.
  20. +1 it's literally so aids and pretty OP tbh
  21. Dont mind the kidney idea, but knocking out will ruin cartels.
  22. Maybe if tree fought that would apply.
  23. They aint so great: http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/11497-th3-gr8-tr33/#comment-128439
  24. I will pm you
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