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Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. well, hope ya come back every once and a while to visit us. Good luck with whatever you are facing man!!
  2. Good morrow to the good sir. Upon your travels here I hope to see thine stay in our humble abode is quite ravishing. I beseech the to dine upon our fine cuisine of bacon and redgull. I am hope you haveth had a jolly good time yore, but i am happy to see you have joined us. I recommend you stay away from kavala and run coke, but look out for bandits
  3. thought this was going to be another "Admins, this is your fault" post. But i do agree, the bigger gangs have a major impact on new players. Sucks when they try to do a small run to make a bit of starting $$$, then get fucked by a gang that just wants to shoot em and not even process what they take from them. I often dont rob people doing drug runs in a box truck or smaller, and very rarely ever rob legals. I know many others think the same thing, but we wont be able to stop all the lil shits from shooting an unarmed man running copper just because he wanted to kill someone
  4. lol. same
  5. lol, i love arma... XD
  6. Im gettin up there
  7. Correction... Everything after 1:13 is aids ;D
  8. Imma call haxxx!!!
  9. my hopes and dreams would power it.
  10. 10/10 agree. Have a few big projects I'm working on this year for school and dont have nearly as much time to play as i want to. Was great in the summer though... Olympus 24/7. Orrrrrrrr, I could just drop out, live in a box and let my life be 100% arma
  11. Hey, look, I found a picture of your router...
  12. Well if we are comparing anal wreckage...
  13. JBruesch


    lol, where have both of you been?
  14. No, but in all seriousness, this will be my first time voting and I am a little unsure who I will be voting for, but i have a few candidates in mind but i am still trying to stay nonpartisan lol, yeah
  15. I am voting for Trumps toupee... Not Trump himself, just his toupee. Or even better... this guy
  16. Disagreed with a few things Hades did but still wish he was back #Free My Homies Rusty And GhostR!!!
  17. the hell did i just watch? XD
  18. lol, told Dustin to let me fly. He is often a good pilot but it can be a little difficult to watch the heli you are chasing and watch out for obstacles.
  19. SUV runs of coke work well. Also, if you dont have enough money for a bag, car, etc, ask a medic, cop, or some people if they would be willing to help you get started by loaning you a car or something similar. Many people are very helpful to newer people so long as you dont go around trash talking to everyone. Hell I have seen someone rob people at meth pro but, because they knew they were new, they only took half and didnt chop their m900.
  20. 10/10 would attend
  21. Sorry to hear that. Gonna be hard for a while but I hope you and everyone close to him do alright.
  22. XD dafuq??????????????????????????????
  23. Seen P Hunter on civ a few times, but never CommanderSuki
  24. then anyone could just open fire on anyone taking someone hostage and say "well he is my friend"
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