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Everything posted by SixNain

  1. Would be good if people actually did it
  2. I’ll be waiting
  3. Let’s beat that then My point, it won’t reach 20 mill
  4. Oi im fucking bored and thought what if we make a date and try to make almost everybody in the server buy tickets, so lets try to beat the 20 mill barrier, which from my understanding has never happend. Saturday, Febuary 1, 12 am EST, save the date if you want chance to win a big fucking lotto. Technically its not a giveaway hosted by me so dont fucking perm me.
  5. Dont care what anyone thinks, but this is comedy goals. Fucked up but gold
  6. i have no gag reflex, I’ll suck your penis for 200k
  7. Thats interesting
  8. FUCK ME pls spam downvote
  9. thats the joke
  10. wanna go back to reviving kids?
  11. does it make you a sex worker if i send you 5$ paypal for the video?
  12. yo since im one of the most hated person in the community can we make it official by letting me hit 10,000 downvotes? its a big goal but fuck it am I right? Dont be a retard and upvote me
  13. nah dude there is exploits on gefore now that allow you to download anything of the internet, including hacks so problably not a good idea until its actually released. not the closed beta. ive got geforce now too but its rly not worth risking servers getting ripped again for a minority of people who play arma on geforce now
  14. ight, cops got nerfed a shit ton, I personally dont mind but some others will and they will fuck you over and they will sit outside your house 24/7. Deal with it, dont fucking use ur house while they are outside and fuck thats it, no need to cry about it. use common sense and hit ur shots and ull be good.
  15. Toss me your social security number and you got yourself a deal
  16. The lion has been unleashed....

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lou
    3. SixNain


      @crxckrxck thanks bro i was diagnosed 6 months ago

    4. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      I thought this was someone else my bad man sorry. 

  17. Lmao no, if you think otherwise uninstall
  18. I no comprendo
  19. SixNain


    They not worth more than 1.5 mill
  20. offers end tommorow night, put in ur offers now if yall want it
  21. lets see if someone has a bigger offer
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