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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Those previously hesitant to RDM will now be able.
  2. It's March 31st... not April 1st. Dummy.
  3. Most common times we've noticed is when you hop in/out of vehicles or switch seats on vehicles seems to cause loss of players inventory data. Also on logout.
  4. Probably crazy. It use to happen to Airman daily. Yet it would never happen to me. Pretty sure it's more of a client side connectivity issue. Whats your ping normally?
  5. It's not just an us thing. This happens to almost all servers afaik. @Airman had it happen a lot on Exile and Asylum too. It seems to be a network syncing sorta thing.
  6. You won't get kicked for it anymore. Updated filters.
  7. Not really considering I updated all 200k+ players at one time. So it seemed like all 200k players logged in...
  8. It's due to a DB update I did a little over 60 days ago now.
  9. It's already been discussed. Won't happen. Also a baitcar isn't meant to have occupants. So shouldn't really matter.
  10. I'd highly suggest you don't bring up "Freeing the Boys" again in the staff meeting.
  11. Yes.
  12. Uhhhhh... Interesting name to go by....
  13. Can confirm. Turned my settings to High one day and the game was actually better than with all settings on low. Lower graphics settings -> offloads more to CPU Higher graphics settings -> offloads more to GPU and creates a better balance
  14. Means... if that's your finger... that's one fucking long ass finga nigga
  15. uh huh.
  16. Lets just skip to.... oh wait... there's no table of contents....
  17. Olympus has given me more hate in my life.
  18. Go look.
  19. We've been unable to recreate what causes the issue. If you have a method of recreation let us know and we'll look into it. We've already spent time attempting to figure out what causes this...
  20. Typically happens to people with high ping. Use to happen to @Airman alllll the fucking time on Asylum. Haha. I've never really had this happen to me... I think once in a hellcat..
  21. Warning shots.
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