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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. It's "gay af"? You didn't seem to have a problem with the server until they caught and banned you
  2. For real, ask for 10% of the exploited money found as a result. Easy 72 mil.
  3. Looks like you take the cake with a total of 41% of the exploited money coming from you
  4. Thanks!
  5. Yup. Tim was only a whopping 8.5%
  6. Another way to break down the numbers: 62.2% was .50 cals 26.9% off of medic striders 6.7% off Blackwater vehicles 4% off of hemmt transports The person who reported it asked for only .27% of the total exploited money.
  7. Wow. Fun fact @ForrestAbbot you were responsible for 12.5% of the exploited money.
  8. What happened to my story you were gonna give me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dangus


      What the fuck!!! I'm so confused wtf is happening to Olympus? There is so much mystery in every status and I'm so just... like... lost

    3. TheRandomOne


      I'm just waiting for the "Water is wet" story lead 

    4. TheRandomOne


      Think I found the story

  9. Apparently there is an outage in my area. RIP internet.


    Fuckin comcast.

    1. TheRandomOne


      That's what I'm hoping for. Wouldn't want to inconvienence anyone

  10. Reminds me of the time Lil Bill thought Jesse spawned us nades
  11. Im running it just fine myself
  12. Well I wouldn't be surprised if most servers haven't switched over to 64 bit servers (pretty sure Olympus hasn't yet) so what they might be noticing improvements on is things that are client-side, whereas people who haven't had those issues don't notice much of a difference. What will be interesting is when servers starting switching over to 64bit, that's when I think we'll really start to notice changes.
  13. Besides the obvious stated reasons from a coding perspective you'd have to make this non exploitable for houses, a check of some kind and it'd be annoying. Think of all the checks: 1. That it's a gang shed, not a house 2. How many players of attacking gang are on 2A. Check is done by who is in the gang group (not sure if/how that's done) 2B. Check is done by player names easily exploitable) 2C. Player ID (not realistic) 3. How many defenders are on ( see 2A, 2B, and 2C) 4. This means you could get into their crates(potential to exploit for houses if there's a way into inventory) 5. A way to "lock" it back up (potentially also exploitable) It's a cool idea,just impratical
  14. He knows the only thing he needs to know...that mercury ain't fuckin around.
  15. @Mercury got kids on the forum like:

    Image result for i'm a thief sign

    1. Ajax


      "I stole from others gameplay experiences by hacking" -Yobson

    2. Ajax


      "I stole from others gameplay experiences by hacking" -Yobson

      Why the hell did it do that twice?

    3. lil boat
  16. Waiting to get home and play on News Team, sitting at work like:


  17. You do realize this is an overlay for news team members to use on their videos,right? Unless you're talking about Jesse's thing then...eh.
  18. To those having issues/finding bugs on the news team please let me know in a PM! I understand that might happen,but please be patient while I try to help get them fixed!

  19. Well that's the thing about Best Korea. All people are equal, some people are more equal than others.
  20. Says the man who loves best korea
  21. I don't disagree, but for a start its pretty good. It'll end up getting tweaked I assume
  22. This is pretty dope!
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