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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. Part of the issue with gangs is the fact that Gang A with 4 members on has no incentive to fight Gang B with 12 members on. Unless your gang is a bit zergy, you generally are outnumbered so there's no point they feel. Personally I know myself and the guys I play with don't mind, makes it a fun challenge. So....smaller gang size limits? I don't really like the idea myself but I guess it'd put things on a more level playing field.
  2. I did it all for you levi, glad you've enjoyed it!
  3. Enroll now before the semester begins:
  4. Lol of course my title was in direct response to your guys' title, that would only make sense given the very obvious context with the two videos. As for Josh talking about me starting a flame war, it's not my fault you have no self control: @Orgondo I have no beef anyone. Like Airman said, this is a video game, I don't take any of this/anyone seriously enough to have beef.
  5. "Tree can win in a fight" .....did I not just win? And I see it's not a big deal when you post a video, but when I do it it's a problem? lol. I didn't even start the flame war, it was your boy Orgondo. Get your dog on a leash. We do take cartels when we're bored lol. They're not very exciting when you've fought the same cartels for hundreds upon hundreds of hours. We've done everything else too so....cool, good talk.
  6. Yall need to make up your damn mind if memes are ok or not. *you're Also, I just can't take you kids seriously. 1) its the internet 2) It's tree
  7. Did I stutter or are you just having trouble reading? I said what I was talking about. My title is literally just a play off yours, it only made sense. "Stand no chance" in a thread with a video of me killing two of you -
  8. I'm not sure what you're having difficulty understanding here
  9. Says the guys who posted a video wallbanging people.... Ok.
  10. "Naked" - fully clothed, probably geared "Spray" - 3 to 4 shots @Josh122 I admitted to potatoing that one guy, but what's that make monkey then?
  11. It was more in reference to tree killing us while we were derping around, they don't do as well when we shoot back. I don't think what I did was amazing/skillfull by any means (in fact the only skills shots are distance shots, close range full auto is something anyone can do so I don't know why it's always in peoples montages), moreso that I shouldn't have been able to do it. But here, if you want more kills in a row you can watch my potato-ass kill oblivion:
  12. Had to lull you into false sense of security, much like I was
  13. @Frank Castle P.S. Pardon the sniffing, am sick. Not fun.
  14. How about you post the whole video?
  15. I mean the rest of the video you conveniently left out
  16. I see you didn't post the whole thing of you being toxic....
  17. It doesn't. Unfortunately you can't fix stupid though. The reality is either it tanks (we know it does) and people want to be able to tank still or it doesn't tank (even though it does) and it'd be no big deal to remove them. Sidenote, I love that I've seen a lot of the people who said it doesn't tank only rocking CSAT clothes when in game.
  18. @Orgondo If they don't tank then who cares if it's removed? I mean, they do though.
  19. Well, it was a fun week.
  20. Looks like they've got enough extra chromosomes between the two of them to make a new friend
  21. Runs? You mean patrol on cop?
  22. Swallowing what bait? Well, at least the 2nd half of what you said wasn't retarded. But yeah, +1 to Tree, caught us with our pants down. Well played.
  23. *throws jabs at a gang* *gets them thrown back at him* Then claims "Doesn't want to start a fight" See, this is why I insulted your intelligence.
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