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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. u guys make me laugh
  2. happy birthday wetard @Last

  3. Can you claim the illegal vehicles? @McDili
  4. Yeah, I mean if you have all of what bow stated I don't see why not.
  5. kev

    WTB Cop gear

    lmao yeah but I prefer selling in bulk
  6. 3mil
  7. Dropping people off rooves is very effective if they don't die never saw this as something I would get removed over But perhaps you guys should add these to the handbook because not everyone thinks the same way
  8. hell yeah
  9. kev

    CMR Mags

  10. 8mil
  11. 3-4 mk-1 tasers for sale along with a suppressor msg me offers
  12. kev

    Setup Wars!

    Regular monitors rotated
  13. I have a 23 3 crater s2 msg me in interested
  14. mk1 is actually at rebel selling for 135,000 and its 8 warpoints 135k/8 ~ 17,000 so 17k*50 = 850k
  15. Started with gas stations then mushrooms in a box truck then mushrooms in hemmtts then I got robbed so I went back to gas station till I realized my mistakes. Hemmtt box isn’t the best vehicle because it has the most space
  16. kev

    Armed Quilin

    Shhh, trying to do business here
  17. kev

    Armed Quilin

    give me a counter offer then
  18. kev

    Armed Quilin

    it’s a qilin with a gun weaker than the 50cal I can buy at rebel
  19. kev

    Armed Quilin

  20. 800k for 6.5 suppressor
  21. @Rzr good shit we got a 2nd ||BW|| corporal boys

  22. crate bug those aren't suppose to be in the game
  23. I don’t join your gang so you DDoS me, good job. Don’t join complexity ts @Tom

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tom


      the fuck you talking about moron

    3. Biggs


      U roll the dice every time 

  24. no they don't
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