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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. this is a true story it was hard explaining as a 10yr old to my parents why their netflix wasn't working
  2. @Viper @Ryan @Xeltini trident?
  3. msg me offers I have any size in 23
  4. DP23 4 crater S2
  5. kev

    WTS Zafir

    ill start this off at 2mil
  6. Houses me and my buddy have collected and now are for sale 2x four craters 2x three craters 5x two craters PM me with offers or post below
  7. @ikiled perfect

    take out the new 3 to 1 script so I have something to do :D

    1. ikiled


      Thanks brother kev

      And +1 :Kappa:

  8. armed prowlers here
  9. shine is the best, you are running it wrong http://prntscr.com/l8d9y7
  10. it is a legit zafir lmao I sold it to him
  11. holy shit
  12. kev

    WTB MAR-10

    3.5 mil lethal
  13. 20mil @Viper
  14. @TheCmdrRex who the fuck are these guys
  15. kev


    I deleted these shits
  16. @Viper


    1. Viper


      Woah broah, what happens on twitch stays on twitch :Kappa:

    2. Ryan


      22 minutes ago, Viper said:

      Woah broah, what happens on twitch stays on twitch :Kappa:

      Ah the good ole "parents arent home"

  17. civ is fun as fuck my favorite moments are federal events, breaking people out of HQs, and tasing cops
  18. eta on BW buff, harder than a fed and gear you get isn't even worth it compared to feds less qilins = more hunters and striders
  19. I have most of these things message mean with offer
  20. kev


    Trident made 96mil in one day selling bars at 55,000 so with inflation of todays economy (69,000 per bar) thats roughly 117mil in a day along with a successful bw with shit gear. Beat that shit boys
  21. So whoever attends the case first decides what happens? I just find that dumb the rules should be set in stone and any grey areas instantly brought to a solution.
  22. I just find it stupid how inconsistent everyone is with rules and grey areas and shit. I'll ask someone about something and they tell me they would've treated the situation differently than the last one.
  23. Robo copping and processing while shots is not a removal or even a demotion @hawk explain that one
  24. deal with caution, player has a report for scamming @MAV
  25. kev


    1. Clear comms - no aids only callouts 2. Ensure everyone knows the callouts so when they see someone they can call it out so either use callouts already made and you can also make your own 3. Ensure callouts make sense ex: “hes over there” isnt a good callout instead shift + t your target or make your marker on map if it doesnt have a callout and call a bearing 4. Practice on a training server and fight experienced players on the real server 5. **** don't be afraid to push or lose your fucking loadout **** this is the biggest thing IMO
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