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Everything posted by Birb

  1. surprising how I didn’t get the accept response
  2. Birb


    @Claysive as an expert in this field, 75x15 is the going rate and 10x15 for rockets basically the price of warpoints is how you determine price of RPG
  3. Birb


    stop asking for money rat
  4. disgusting rat jk love you
  5. o7 see you in heaven/hell where ever we go when we all die of the corona virus
  6. Yes I am the all knowing oracle, expert at the rules definitely listen to me my opinion matters obviously
  7. I think that’s rdm
  8. Birb


    ofc dad
  9. ok i'll take one
  10. @Horizon imagine not caring because people already think you’re a retard
  11. Spar-16gl PrometGL p90 taser spar-17 ak-12u taser Ak-12GL Message me for some of these will pay premiums
  12. yeah
  13. @Grandma Gary ban this man for doxing me look at that picture of me
  14. okay solid reasoning honestly I think I should give you all my money, sike you still aint getting shit you making bad decisions isn't my fault
  15. why do I owe you 25 mill??? I just want one good reason than it'll be sent to your account
  16. fuck you and your gang stop begging me for money especially mr 160 mill @Mudiwa everytime ya'll ask for money in game ima start screenshotting it
  17. Birb


    i have ice cream come visit me uncle it's been 10 years
  18. already bought
  19. conquest is really fun especially when you buy the house on cap lol
  20. Birb


    @popto he knew what he got into when he tried to mass downvote buckie.
  21. Birb


    o7 bye bye have good time ;(
  22. congratulations @Poop face  on getting Senior Medic I'm so glad @Richard and @Childish made the right decision with who gets supervisor really good work guys



    (for reference this is a meme I know that's just richard)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birb


      i will do the t5 vigi strat and pour water on my router just for you dicky

    3. Evannnnn
    4. Millennium


      Birb for sup

      lukethecoop v2

  23. I get what you're saying richard but this is an "RP" server and the APD is supposed to be professional, and RP based, we're tryna make this realistic, thats why cops cant rule quote, also thats why real life cops can't just call you a retard or whatever.
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