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Everything posted by hawk

  1. o7 good luck in the future
  2. hawk

    Cop Gear For sale

    How much for all the uniforms and all the caps?
  3. My walking distance is insane http://prntscr.com/fxrnl5

    1. PoptartRex


      @Jordan540 @lunchbox @Wong

      It's all about that walking distance amiright? 

  4. Congrats @DeadPool1337 on Sergeant and thanks for the great hunter deals!

  5. Congrats on sergeant!! @Dante Fleury


  6. You're entitled to have your own opinion about the APD but you cant get mad at them for doing their job. They patrol illegal areas and stop crime, you cant get mad at them for stopping you from doing illegal runs because in the end they are paid for stopping illegal activities.
  7. Everyone on this post knows you are wrong and salty. Just get over it, and dont start screaming to a cop that they broke a rule if you dont know the rules yourself. Just RP the situation and stop quoting rules. People like you that scream to cops that they broke a rule just because you are salty that you got caught annoys me so much.
  8. You thought they were being serious when they said they would let you go? There was no reason at all to let you go since they did everything correctly, and you are just mad that you got caught and your orca got seized.
  9. I was at the BW, if Tree didnt backstab us the Huron would have made it out
  10. Why is this even a post....
  11. hawk


    Why would it be 10% off if its free?
  12. cheers on corporal 

  13. If you find someone in restraints and you are at war with them, can you kill them?
  14. As soon as i clicked on poseidons profile i didnt know where the music was coming from a few days ago xD
  15. Ohhh lmao that was you, well Ziggy I don't even know how you ran past me when I was blocking the door, but you kept turning the corner as I was trying to shoot you so I missed all my shots xD Upload the vid I wanna see it.
  16. I wish there was actually content in this post, I wanna see what Ziggy is talking about.
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