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Everything posted by Jwilly

  1. idk Titans vs Ambition was a pretty competitive match
  2. Straight sweeps through the finals

  3. dont disrespect the server 3 gods. U dont want them to be angry when they play cL in the finals
  4. somebody is upset they have 2k hours on the game and are still trash
  5. i can just get a picture of my ass from redmer. He keeps it saved to his desktop
  6. will u buy my ghosthawk?
  7. i never said u had to take is serious. Im just saying it is gonna be cancer watching a bunch of drunk dudes fighting a bunch of clueless retards
  8. Idk which is gonna be worse to watch , capacity vs nomads or prime rib vs drunk team.
  9. Jwilly

    Selling Hunter

    And u could buy hunters from rebel not that long ago
  10. Jwilly

    Selling Hunter

    If an ifrit costs 750k what retard will buy a hunter for 1 mil
  11. Enter i would love to win my armed huron back
  12. sure , msg me when u wanna do it
  13. Just wanna get rid of it not looking for much
  14. Markets are gay af put the damn sell glitch back

  15. u should start out by downloading more ram
  16. neckity neck neck necky neck neck
  17. 3 crater sold
  18. Selling dp23 3 crater Selling dp23 2 crater Selling dp25 2 crater https://gyazo.com/76ebc37e5cee0cac4a0d1b1451e9cbee Send offers
  19. I will sell u an s1 dp23 2 crater. Let me know how much
  20. Peter Long just found out he is pregnant a few weeks ago so maybe in like 8 months
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