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Everything posted by Deimos

  1. Cops don't belong at cartels. Don't think of it as an illegal area where people are processing drugs. It's a place for gangs to fight for control of the drug market, which cops have no impact on. APD can already go to a cartel if there is Sgt+ on.
  2. Defibs heal bullet wounds? I didn't know that. Epinephrine is adrenaline if you didnt know and it isn't just used for allergic reactions, its also used to restart people hearts. Do they heal bullet wounds? No, but this is a game. We do listen to the community but the community doesn't always know what's best for the server. We came up with a good middle ground. It's better this than nothing. Obviously things will be tweaked if this doesn't work out.
    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Dejay


      I mean, I gave you a lag switch, I wouldn't get in trouble for you using it? Come on now Rusty.

  3. Ya just remove the big towers it will make fighting a lot more fun. As it is now big towers are in most of the big fighting areas. Rebel outposts, jail, cartels, HQs. Big towers are always the biggest part of an engagement. Who ever has the big tower has a massive advantage. So most fights are the same for the most part, attacking big tower with a ifrit and/or orca, and defending from the attack. So i think if towers are removed it will make fighting a lot less repetitive and more dynamic.
  4. No need for a 3rd server with the current population. It gets full on weekends and some nights during the week. Unless it full almost all the time then there is no need for a 3rd server. The last time Olympus opened a 3rd server it split the population really badly and they ended up removing it.
  5. WHAT?
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/sirpeterlong/v/35881055
  7. Even camping their bodies doesn't work if the dead guy waits long enough. The medic will just come when you leave. The way it is now you could never lose a gear set if you just wait for a medic long enough.
  8. The reason poseidon made it 10k payout for the medic and 10k fee for the player revived is so money isn't spawned into the server. If it were 15k payout for medic and 10k fee for civ then every time a player is revived 5k is added to the server that didn't exist before.
  9. 1. APD and medic are 100% different. Medic is boring(My opinion but many people would agree) . Not many people want to go through the trouble of being whitelisted just to revive people. 2. I was slightly exaggerating. I'm sure i have seen more than 3 medic online i just don't remember seeing that anytime in the last 2 months.
  10. That's why you put a timer after you have been revived once, so you can't get revived 5 times in 5 mins. Also and execute option would be nice. But it's really not bad, say you have 5 guys fighting and one dies. You then have to have 1 guy go and revive him which puts him at risk because he has to go through the animation of the revive and you now only have 3 people fighting until the other guy is revived.
  11. People say medic will be useless if they add bloodbags and defibs. Here is why they are wrong. The maximum number of medics I have ever seen on at one time was 3. Usually there is 1-2, sometimes none. The reason for this is because medic is whitelist only and you have to remember a book full of rules. The only people that will be defibing each other are the gangs. There is still going to be people that don't have someone who can defib them and they will need a revive by a medic. "if you need 100 health just get a medic to come heal you." Maybe if there was more then 1 or 2 medics on. Medic are busy reviving people they don't have time to come to the fed or jail break or where ever to just heal players."So kidnap them." Then other players on the server won't get revives.
  12. Deimos


    Anyone getting squads? Looks like a good game. I got it this morning and i'll be playing later today.Lets make an Olympus squad add me if you plan on playing. This is their website if you haven't seen the game yet. https://joinsquad.com/ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037167869/
  13. finally i got my tilde back.
  14. I don't think they should add rules to medic regarding cartels. They should add game mechanics that prevent these "never ending fights". Add an ability to execute a dead player so they can't get revived. Add a timer so you can't get revived 5 times in 10 mins. For example once you have been revived there is a 10 minute timer that prevents them from being revived again
  15. Hey guys I'm back, again. I'm ready to play some more altis life.

    I created a new gang called Retribution. Apply on the forum or pm me if you are interested in joining. http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5859-retribution-recruitment/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deimos
    3. ToeKnee


      Never mind I thought you were alone then i saw the roster 

    4. Deimos


      thanks and i want to talk to you tomorrow cloak.

  16. Again, I didn't take all the funds for myself. Can we stop saying that? And congratulations for predicting the obvious because I did say when I made the gang if BurBan came back I would join them again.
  17. Can we stop spreading BS rumors it's really annoying. I didn't "steal" the money that's that. If anyone says that didn't receive their cut that's because they haven't contacted me.
  18. Ok so i want to clarify right now I'm not keeping all this money for my self. I have been handing out the money to the players who have put in time into the gang and have fought for cartels and capture them. If you want a cut and you were in mayhem please contact me. What happened was is when BurBan came back and stealth told me he was back for good me and huskers decided to merge Mayhem and BurBan. I took all the gang funds out as I did not want warfare to keep everything for himself. Some people are freaking out and jumping to conclusions. If you have any problems with what I did I will talk with you.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I believe Virus still holds the record. Wasnt is 13+

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I Had $4.4m Till I got Virus'ed. Oh Virus and the Ghosthawk.

    4. SPBojo


      i had 1.9 til i got moob'd, then i went to jail but it was right on restart so i spawned back in with my 1.9 and got lethaled by devil during a fed...

  19. I miss my favorite hacker Symfuhny.

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      What a beast he was.

    2. Mango


      Symfuhny.exe will be missed

    3. Thomas


      3 Rip is my favorite

  20. Well a 50cal can penetrate those walls.
  21. His gun isn't actually through the wall you can even see the bullets impacting his side of the wall. Here is a video for you.
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