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Everything posted by Savage

  1. Already applied 4 times got denied 4 times (maybe 5)
  2. Happy Birthday my nibba

  3. https://olympus-entertainment.com/stats get ur payer id put it in the search bar where u look up peoples stats with player id's get the link or whatever to ur box on the bottom put it in ur signature save and tah dah
  4. Savage

    Paco AKA Coca

    I just offer free arco's to deputies on cop
  5. @McDili did u just over rule goat or did u guys talk about it cause i saw goat down voted it xdd

  6. Congrats on corp

  7. wha happened

    1. Savage


      the website was down for a bit

  8. Happy Bday u inactive fuck

  9. Savage


  10. I want in on this event...
  11. both of these numbers were chosen choose others
  12. Me being a nice guy Ima just say 420 was taken might wanna change asap
  13. Savage

    Streaming alot Cop

    1 post is enough
  14. Happy Birthday @Skrood the Future Army Soldier

  15. luv u too atleast im funny off the thread
  16. off the thread if I hate u then just simply fuck off, if ur in my gang, part of APD cause APD life, my friend, or some sort of staff ur all g
  17. fuck off i hate u
  18. 64 diamonds? (on olympus faction server)
  19. 100 robux?
  20. New Years Gift?
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