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Everything posted by Derek

  1. Yoink
  2. congrats @Excision you will be a great dad

  3. Derek

    Im back

    ok now Jake
  4. I love getting dqed for workshop mods :]

  5. 1 or 2
  6. APD want the pipe again lol

  7. https://gyazo.com/b4861f7d8c2c0a479105032823fc164f

             Plague wins again

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sped


      good fights boys

    3. BananaHammock



      Well, that's not very nice...

    4. Tacosmell


      FortniteGod appreciated the recruitment for this event. Good fights boys was a pleasure 

  8. You don’t have to worry about that
  9. image0.jpg  LT Jake

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Not gonna lie, that’s a tuff flex

    3. bigSMOKE


      3 hours ago, an overweight giant retard said:

      Not gonna lie, that’s a tuff flex

      Goats face reveal was 100x better 

    4. Drippp


      Free this man 

  10. Bummer we couldnt get more but it was fun anyways.
  11. Agreed
  12. Tazed me on cap yesterday, we didnt even taze you it was a random. It wasnt at cartel either it was at a rebel.
  13. I think only the version that you load vehicles into should be illegal as the other one doesent really affect a Fed.
  14. Is it a 4 or 3 crater? How about 2mil
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