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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. another outrageous aboose by the owner this time!
  2. if yall remember zexrow this man is playing fucking chess now image.jpeg.18b4491bd86c9bc182645e16faf7533f.jpeg




    1. DABESTeva


      fortnite to chess

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Why is there 47k people watching e-chess? D=

  3. free @rp slayer my boy aint cheating, just cracked out.
  4. @raykazi congratz on dev whenever u got it! lets open up that DP3 manufacturing business again image.jpeg.23822f0493b3266c4d169ac44f2ccd16.jpeg

  5. DB Skat gang on top.
  6. happy birthday @Dingle Pooper let us all hold hands.. a82b5dc292edf0485747d00c3a6ecda5.png

    1. Dingle Pooper

      Dingle Pooper

      get out of here with that feet shit 😛

  7. N7Zero

    cya boys

    imagine cheating on a dead game
  8. wym???? he compared muslim women wearing burkas to letterboxes
  9. ahh my fellow apes, may i feast on ur back?
  10. i heard biden is a bit of a nonce, can anyone confirm this?
  11. to all u mouth breathers: 


  12. im sure thats partly due to a lot of users living vicariously through others post which leads to depression n anxiety (pretty sure it was scientifically proven but take my word with a grain of salt) also pretty sure people who get harrased/bullied IRL cant take out their anger on perpetrator therefore they take it online as an escape mechanism. but ur right with that 1 this image is very true in life. and think with political correctness has soften people up for sure. STILL
  13. unpopular opinion and not throwing shade on reckful or anyone going through the same shit but lets be honest.. the internet is a double edge sword.. if u cant handle it then dont use it.. some people have no moral compass and there is nothing u can do about it. expect this shit to happen. besides, next time someone insults u personally just remember they themselves are very insecure hence them bringing others down with them. FAKT just turn off ur PC
  14. all u americans gotta play arma 3 to drive the ifrit but russians do this shit IRL


    1. Noahhh!


      Little does he know that the side glass is fucking paper.

  15. yall should do a rome 2 gang wars 

  16. mans a tool, cant even host GW properly without showing password ON STREAM
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