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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. -_- no point in buying it.
  2. Other than our local felon @ Hatchbacks , do we have any gun enthusiasts here? Need to talk builds

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. doubleueyeceekay


      @federal agents these guys have auto sears, bump stocks, glock switches AND they have dogs you will be very interested

    3. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      @ doubleueyeceekay  i have coat hangers and paper weights i dont know what the fuck those things are here is my coat hanger


    4. Mighty
  3. fireball best
  4. Welcome to the team @ Clover  watch out for that @ Doc  guy. He smells.

    1. Clover


      Thanks @ Mighty  much appreciated! 

    2. Mighty


      Just remember to always blame @ Milo  when you fuck something up.


  5. In theory this is how it should be. In reality, the apd member almost never gets punished on the staff side, which is unfair to civs.
  6. So this is why he messaged me at 4 am
  7. Best comment in this post
  8. Almost had to call in the #1 lawyer in the world. @ jig
  9. You learn to not question the enterprise. They are a special breed.
  10. I can confirm that @ Ryan has sever amnesia and forgot that he put @ Magic Mike in charge. The doctors are in high hopes that he will fully recover. However, only time will tell. I would like to say thanks to the Kids College Enterprise for stepping up in these trying times.
  11. You freaks can finally hide your NSFW games. @ Xlax  I'm tired of cockville getting recommended on the front page.


    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose


  12. What is everyone getting their mom for Christmas? I can't think of shit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lea


      Solo stove for the win @ Toretto !


      Please though never gift an appliance to your mother. She deserves more than tools to do more for you. Simply ask what hobbies she is into sewing, crochet, knitting. Almost all of the ladies I know have something. Most read. Most have kindles now and favorite authors. 

      Never underestimate cozy blankets or socks. 

      Buy her the thing you know she secretly loves but would never justify indulging herself with. As a mom and grandma all of my last dollars go to the family and by Christmas eve I'm exhausted from wrapping, baking and cooking. Get her a spa package. Anything self care related. Tickets to a concert you know she'd love. 


      Happy Holidays! 🎄

    3. Geralt of Rivia
    4. CaloomClark


      Porsche taycan (this is not a joke)

  13. Crazy how every post that mako gets shit on gets hidden 🤡

    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      almost like the community doesn't support their community manager!😮

    2. Claysive
  14. GTA VI Trailer went public early!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mighty
    3. stayclaxxy


      coming 2025, lmao.

    4. Mighty



      GTA 6 has been confirmed for PS5 and Xbox Series X, but not PC.

      What is this bullshit


  15. F1 Vegas time! @ Noble  @ Poon

    1. CaloomClark


      Up since 5.30 for this shit😴

    2. Mighty


      How’s my boy Lando gonna get out so quick 😢

    3. hawkg


      lets watch some cars going around a track @!

  16. @ Grandma Gary There is no need to photoshop my name into this! Thank god @ Defender Of The Gulf paid to get a hard copy on a billboard!
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