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Heinz Gormittz

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About Heinz Gormittz

  • Birthday 10/03/1997

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. get the stocks goin

    1. Vcx


      I never got to re-pay my loan 😞

  2. Take it from a man who tried this once and is fairly reputable in this area- Don't do it.
  3. As I am sure everyone (especially the APD) has noticed, I have not been on much recently. I have visited Olympus probably 6 times in the past month. This is a stark contrast to my nightly visits to Kavala where I gleefully slew blue pigs all night long. I have thought about my absence a lot, so I thought I should semi-officially announce that I am not going to be on much in the near future. I am NOT saying goodbye. I for sure will still be around. I will hop on from time to time to continue my favorite pass-time (of killing APD bastards). I would also like to emphasize that Heinz's Securities and Equities is still a functioning business even though I am more absent. If anyone wishes to place trades with my brokerage service, you can still messaged me (Ill try to check it weekly) on forums here. I think Olympus is the greatest Altis Life server in Arma. I am not decreasing my hours because I think this is a poor quality group or game. My reason for doing this is simple: I am 20 years old. I want to try putting in 16 hour work days and save up for a house. After that, I want to try and get a wife . If I were leaving permanently, I would list off all the guys who supported my revolutions, my brokerage service, and those who helped me kill cops. BUT I am not leaving.
  4. 180
  5. I'm only paying 180
  6. I'll pay 180K for a 7.62 suppressor if anyone is selling one.
  7. We Were Soldiers Lone Survivor Gods and Generals The Red Baron (2008) Saving Private Ryan
  8. That might have been the last revolution. I'm getting tired of gangs coming into town and hindering them instead of helping. In November it was TREE, in December it was MC, and for January it was PRAE. I actually helped a Prae guy escape from the cops, gave him a gun, then he turns on me and steals the truck with all the Katibas in it <_<. I would like to think you could trust some people in this server, no?

  9. Kavala Revolution tomorrow @17:00 Central Standard Time. Be there to kill fascist communist imperialistic cop pigs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DashTonic
    3. Lethal


      fascist and communist at the same time? wow

    4. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      53 minutes ago, DashTonic said:


      We tried to be peaceful during that and we were met with a hellstorm of bullets.

  10. There will be two Kavala Revolutions before month's end: Monday January 22nd @~18:00:00 Central Standard Time - This one will be smaller than usual in scale. I have decided I am going to change the weapons I supply volunteers with. First I need to get rid of the weapons I currently have. That is what this revolution will be for. Sunday January 28th @~18:00:00 Central Standard Time
  11. Elaborate on what "replaced" means.
  12. So to clarify: Currently the currency exchanges look like this: US Dollar/ Jap Yen US Dollar/ Canadian Dollar New Zealand Dollar/ Australian dollar You want me to make it so that is like: Altis Dollar/ US Dollar Altis Dollar/ Canadian Dollar and so on?
  13. If you have unscrewed it from the back panel look at where it is attached to the motherboard. There should be a small prong/ clamp at one of the ends of the slots the video card is in. You need to either push it down or up... I forget.
  14. Heinz's Securities & Equities V4.0 Since August of 2016 What Does HSE do and How Does it Work? Placing Specified Trades Placing "Quick Trades" How I Keep track of your Positions & Details on how HSE Works How the Public can Invest in YOUR Gang Hedge Funds/ Financial Services & HSE Job Offerings How to Contact HSE Credits Change Log
  15. Yep. Like Cuzzi said with those specs you should only need to upgrade to processor. Like I said, 7700K is best value from my experience.
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