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LULA 2022 - PT 13

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. I will offer 1.1 mil for it
  2. Idk what you're talking about, every time Ive got to do trainings Ive found it fun. If training is boring the issue is how you're running it.
  3. To play devil's advocate here. Aren't Seniors already obligated to put in a certain amount of hours? How is this any different? Also if an officer is in the HQ and wishes to help mold the new generation of APD officers why shouldn't they take such a positive initiative? Also there is a story behind every rule and I feel that the story behind this one should be very amusing
  4. Its not so much one thing but a ricer of shit that eventually breaks the dam. When I almost attempted (figuring out how to hang myself until my mom walked in and saved me) the reason I lost it was I got into a fight with my mom because I fucked up a pot boiling water. I wasn't going to kill myself because of the pot . The pot was just a catalyst for all the shit going on with my life.
  5. I kinda want to try but I have a horrible fear of failure. Is Support Team worth it
  6. The one where you push so hard you start pissing.
  7. 5$ and a booty pic, I will also sell my body and allow you to do whatever to me (rob,rdm,beat,tase,hostage, run a train) for one hour.
  8. Dude remember that you start as a dep/po select and for the most part your initial APD evals will focus on that so read up but remember that for now you’re probably gonna need low level officer things like probable cause, red zones,etc knowledge a lot more than you’re going to need advanced stuff like the top speed of a European ghosthawk and the like. Good luck and know that APD is worth the initial stress
  9. Enough questions to test your knowledge of the Standard Operating Guidelines. Now if I were you I’d lock this thread and stop fishing before SAPD see this and hit you that blacklist. Study and you’ll be fine and remember that the number one thing APD looks for is confidence in oneself. voodo-career Deputy
  10. This guy seems pretty chill, hope to interact and play with him more but for what it's worth he seems to be pretty good at his job and totally not using this serve to find weaknesses in NATO youths.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marty


      a two-syllable safe word? I'd advise against that, mercury!

    3. Mercury


      It that way for reasons

    4. Marty


      lol you like the element of danger do you?

  11.  Mr Newton recently replied to a support ticket request of mine, his response was timely (less than 12 hours after inquiry) and helpful. He uploaded a screenshot of the issue I am having in the system to help me out and left a very courteous reply. Mr Newton exemplifies some of the best features of this wonderful community and is for sure an exemplary worker within his peer group.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      He's a salty retard who bans people because he gets salty he got taken hostage

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      Says the saltiest kid on Olympus.

    4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  12. Thank you.. that did some things to me
  13. Hey guys I need to do a little * research so please tag your favorite corn stars, any footage of them gathering corn or processing corn would be best , I'm getting all moonshiny just thinking about it.
  14. When server 3 finally launches but your computer breaks
  15. Dreeze, while I have not yet interacted with you I hope that with this decision you can find peace, I am sorry that certain people cannot recognize that you are a person with thoughts and emotions , I wish it wasn't the case but you were singled out because of your gender and that is ABHORRENT if you ever need an ally against this mysogony I will be glad to help. You around like a great person so stay strong and know that this too shall pass btw thank you for trying despite the circumstances, with a disadvantage you did more than most and you should feel proud of the positive change you've made. Don't let the trolls ruin the memories for you and know that people care.
  16. My mom recently had stage 3 breast cancer , maybe you two can join a survivor support group:)
  17. Using mobile so it's kinda wonky on the repeating thing and also as a noob I kept on dying on runs until I did illegals at 3am with no one on to get money so it could be nice to give noobs a place to make money safely also legal, 50% profit runs would be useful only for noobs to make enough cash to graduate to the normal server .
  18. An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population . An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population . An idea I've had is making a noob server. 50 player cap, the whole server is a sefezine but there are only legal runs and they make 50% of what would normally be earned, I've been on Olympus for 4 months and always thought it could be nice to give new players an environment to make money before going out into the general population .
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