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Everything posted by Majed

  1. im here trying to roach my man
  2. +1 + if they added dms scope to weapon war point shop that would be cool
  3. can i have rainbow 6 siege for christmas?


  4. easy federal


    1. xDRO



      ez 9 mil


    2. Majed



      shut up princess faggot ,


    3. thor
  5. Olympus #3 is laggy

    i cant store stuff in my truck

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud


      What if its not ur truck? :ph34r:

    3. Majed


      3 minutes ago, Proud said:

      What if its not ur truck? :ph34r:

      Get the fuck out of here

    4. proud


      Just tryna help, I know I messed up trucks, they just seem to be unlocked :(

  6. it happened to me on server 2 i fixed it by reinstalling arma
  7. http://prntscr.com/h79vli for 3 mill
  8. @tiger

    remove the cartels

    the one next to salt flat

    and the one next to dp24

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ItsGG


      ngl I would take the athira and sofia cartels over salt flats and pyrgos cartel any day

    3. Majed


      Bro we dont want any new cartels 

      we just want the og cartels only 

      like come on 

      can you attack the one next to salt flat?, theres alot of bushes and one of them might be hiding in them

    4. Arigato


      @Proud by finding new places? lol

  9. how do you increase market price?

    like moonshine is down to 9k 

    how do you make it back to 10k?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Sell 1drug to boost the price of other.

    3. Bucko


      I think u have to sell heroin since there’s a moonshine and heroin cartel, for example if u want to raise the meth price sell weed


    4. Not Mac

      Not Mac

      maybe you retards should just look what i said to do and do that. Thats literally the ONLY way of getting the price to go up.

      for example if moonshine is low on price sell meth or herion or any other drug to the drug dealer and moonshine price will go up 

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