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Pringle Mccringleberry

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Everything posted by Pringle Mccringleberry

  1. dam thats awesome! we need features and updates like this!
  2. I see Mashed Potatoes on that plate!
  3. Boil em mash em steck em in a stew #Potato

    1. Dustin87


      PO-TA-TO Boil em mash em steck em in a stew

    2. HamOfMoose


      i had mashed potatos for supper tonight along with a juicy steak and some mac n cheese

  4. +1 on MTP +100 on Potato Field
  5. Honestly if you dont know the situation dont bother to interfere as moose said a variety of factors can result in someone getting pardoned one of those reasons is good RP. It just so happens that a member of Burban who is a Corporal if im not mistaken pardoned another member of Burbban because he gave good RP and gave him donuts i mean what cop dosent like donuts? i personally prefer Potatoes But thats just me XD
  6. If someone ever closes the gate on me i go up to them hit them with a potato than drag them by the gate and close it on them #PotatoPower
  7. Just eat a potato you will be fine
  8. If anyone has a free copy of CSGO and would like to help a poor potato farmer out Would be most appreciated <3

    1. grizzlybear


      you can get It for 10$ on G2A.com

  9. I say a petition should be started to add the Potato as a virtual inventory item

  10. haters gonna hate taters gonna tate

  11. Cloud 9 with a Potato Pipe XD

  12. Lost 8 MXC so far prolly just gonna stick with the PO7 atleast its loyal to me <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      I lost one MX today. She's a bitch

    3. Big B

      Big B

      I am sorry that my manslaughter of you led to 1 of them <3 you Cringle

    4. Pringle Mccringleberry
  13. Gettin real tired of losing my MXC

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      Sucks to cause i really wanna play cop but losing 200k everytime i die is a pain in the ass

  14. They need to make a Potato field. And than you sell them to the Potato farmer for money

  15. Guys guys calm da fleek down eat a Potato and all your problems will go away
  16. The first person to ever eat a Potato must of been the luckiest human being in the world

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeathDingo



    3. SPBojo


      im Norwegian, if it wasn't for potatoes we probably wouldn't be a country...

  17. When life gives you Potatoes you eat them

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      "Without the potato, the balance of European power might never have tilted north."

    2. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      The Potato did bring in strong trade for many wanted its greatness

  18. Best podcast ever

    1. Warfare


      Honestly it might be our best. The tennis match was enjoyable and extremely opinionated however was respectful.

    2. Talindor


      very respectable

  19. Boil em mash em stick em in a stew-Potatoes

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