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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by King

  1. We are cooked @ johnny goose He found all the Mark 1 tasers I was hiding with @ GracieGirl from your house search
  2. It almost like there is an actual problem in the SAPD that people would rather ignore... @ ThatNerdyGuy spelled it out.
  3. God forbid I delete comments with direct insults in them... actually managing the community.
  4. Not to mention a small hour difference in total APD playtime. KING APD TIME 2224 HOURS NICOLE APD TIME 2210 HOURS
  5. Its okay tho @ ThatNerdyGuy .. Its implied....
  6. So me saying "whitelist" in a channel is leaking SAPD information... but screenshots from the sheets and comments on an applications isn't..... Rules for thee not for me.
  7. Crazy... you got free OICs handed to you for removals. Again, go off. Post your hours?
  8. Post your hours then @ nicole Being a night shift police officer, working 12 hours shifts in one of the most dangerous cities in the US, all while taking care of a family member that is on 9 hours a day of dialysis... I was doing just fine. But please feel free to post hours from a holiday stretch. Go off.
  9. It’s been tried. That’s how you end up removed/ retired.
  10. God forbid you speak reason and truth around here @ ThatNerdyGuy ... they might come for your head.
    1. Tommy12


      yeah buddy I'm going to ram that 

    2. stayclaxxy


      currently omw full speed in my hatchback sport with turbo 4 upgrade and nitrous.

  11. King


    Can confirm. Amazon even tried to return it the first time lmao.
    1. Revenge


      these guys are legends 👍

    2. Lime


      If only this worked in certain unnamed cities 

  12. @ Revenge  Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!❤️Happy Birthday GIF by The Office

    1. Revenge


      Thank you So Much Brother..  Love you Man

  13. @ Winters Congrats on ADMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. @ Deputy Dog  If you're reading this, I came back. I got Sr support back, I got FTO back and today I got Mod. I miss you buddy. Hope we can talk soon. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rafa


      @ Fake Grandma  i only kid. @ King had a special place in our hearts ♥️ 

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @ Rafa  I know, I joke I joke I keed i keed as well ❤️

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I mean it when I say this:

      If you wanna suck his dick, visit the retirement home

  15. King

    o7 v2

    o7 my favorite second responder, but first in my heart. Don’t be a stranger
  16. King


    o7 I’m not crying on my keyboard, you are
  17. @ Rafa  Congrats buddy! You earned it  ❤️   

    1. Rafa


      Nothing could’ve been achieved and I would definitely not be as motivated if it weren’t for friends like you. I love you man! 

  18. @ ClashBy  Happy birthday you absolute chad!!!!! 

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