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darn fool

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Everything posted by darn fool

  1. Who in the fuck put Sleepy Joe above The President of the United States of America
  2. How much did you pay for your rank? :feelsweirdman:

  3. If this kid said he was 16 I want a recount
  4. give me corp and we'll talk
  5. Didn't get placed in plat

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      if only all tanks were like this

  6. He aspires to be @buckie
  7. Why does this dono outfit make me feel fat

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The dono outfit has nothing to do with it ;D

  8. Remove blood bags lol

  9. Why is verbal admittance not enough proof of breaking a rule? Because he's senior APD? If a deputy verbally admits he did stupid shit in a channel with an undercover SAPD member who didn't see it happen does he not get in trouble? @ThatNerdyGuy
  10. I called @Headless a retard and he helped me get unpermed 

    Give him admin

  11. It's like high school all over again, except people faked killing themselves to stop getting bullied, except they didn't fake it
  12. Finally, an update we can all get behind

  13. Wait they all traveled together to have sex with the same kid they met online Are we sure all of these people aren't from Olympus? Also also Holy fuck can you imagine all those people walking into a public place together? There was no sting operation they fucking fit the role perfectly
  14. I didn't know dodge became a GM company
  15. I should've killed all the Twinkletoes when I met them Except you QT
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