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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. is it meta gaming if I switch to cop to stop the people from breaking me out of jail?

  2. Sorry Ace but according to my current parking spot, I'm the Chief of Police

    1. SPBojo


      Famous last words...

      #RIP <3

  3. Young enough to know I can, old enough to know I shouldn't, stupid enough to do it anyways

  4. Everybody says cops are OP...maybe you should watch some of my vids, cops are not OP. The ghosthawk is easy to take out the gunners. Take the gunners out and virus will fly away. But my problem is that the titans are pretty useless. The ghosthawk took 4 titans spun around a couple times and then it flew away like nothing happened. Just the rockets alone thats 480k. I think 3 should blow the damn thing up or make it at least drop out of the sky like a rock.
  5. Thanks Ace for the late night Apd training and the CROOK guys for doing a fed rob

    1. Dustin87


      I sense many moar cop nights to come.

  6. i know they are the same people lol but that's how much i want him.........back
  7. i eat breakfast free everyday at a hotel i never stayed at, pick up the money from wishing wells, and dress up like a cop to get free donuts at 7/11...maybe this guy is my father that i never met
  8. almost forgot spectral
  9. if you know these people tell them to come back to Olympus, I miss them. I know that some are permd and can't come back but this is just a list of players I haven't seen in a long time that I wish were still around. Hollowman Theycallmepaw watereddownmilk toothpasteandoj zerothekitten liquidicey conanthedestroyer TCA Bob EPDB McGuire Relapse Respect Ricky Spanish Ebzekro Kiwi Resentme [CROOK] Dustin POTP Detroit or Mr. Squiggles Wing Wong Aladeen Prae Dallas notabanana SYMFUHNY
  10. i think burban is starting to like me, last night they threw me in jail instead of killing me. They also paid me a visit while i was in jail. You guys are too kind.

    1. Virus1



    2. Thomas


      gotta luv those conjugal visits

  11. I have 2 bans when I first started playing. I never played altis life so I didn't even know what it was about so I grabbed a gun and started shooting. I think I killed Hades and got instant banned lol. Got unbanned and did the same thing just shooting everything that moved so Hades again banned me so I finally read the rules and haven't been banned since.....so technically I never been banned...where is my cookie?
  12. altis is gonna have hell to pay when i put that badge on

    1. Tman15tmb


      With great power, comes great responsibility.

  13. i like how i can add anybody as my friend like Hades were best buds and there ain't a god damn thing you can do about it lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thomas


      nooooooooooooooooooo...after all we been through

    3. Virus1


      Still have Hades as a friend #winning

    4. Thomas
  14. I didn't think it would be meta gaming since it tells the whole server that a fed robbery is happening
  15. i'm just messing with ya talindor but shit happens sometimes and most people i know have been banned at least once. cudos to you for not tho
  16. just a couple of scenarios about meta gaming that you guys can help me out with if a medic gets a request from someone with a high bounty is it meta gaming if they tell the cops hey grandpasquid needs a revive why don't you come with me to arrest him. also I have seen when someone was on civ and we started a fed rob they switched over to cop so they can help the cops. everyone said it was meta gaming but I don't feel it was since the person didn't have any inside info about our positions.
  17. *peter griffin voice* shut up meg
  18. I hope I don't post a video of me getting banned but I want to show how easy it is to fuck up...Hades have mercy on my soul
  19. great now im hungry and no even broker than that. that looks like its kraft or velveeta brand I have to get that 50cent a box knock off great value stuff
  20. Eveybody breaks rules I actually rdm'd someone the other day because of a confusing situation and I will post the video to show how easy it is to make a mistake. Also I will comp you computer sorry I haven't yet...I'm broke...like macaroni and cheese broke
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