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Everything posted by Iloveanime_astral

  1. popped a titty for an infant

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strae


      😲i heard she did 

    3. bummm


      astral likes dudes

    4. GracieGirl


      i hate most of u 


  2. 752bc81cc3cce651b8a428e4cfe86c90.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Strae You sound mad jelly.  I can't help that I ain't from some back water 3rd world shithole =(

    3. Strae


      Correction: I'm from a front water 3rd world shithole.
      Teeth: White ✅
      Skin: 😳

    4. CIA JOSH
  3. 仲間のロールプレイヤーの皆さん、こんにちは!アニメへの愛を発表したいと思います。私もその1人のメキシコ人管理者が大好きです!私のプロフィールをチェックしてください!


  4. who gave this mexican admin

    1. Strae


      who gave you dev caveman lookin ass ❤️

    2. CIA JOSH
  5. meow
  6. Looks amazing. lets push it to the server rn
  7. [OS] @Ravin :) :papega:3352981758127982d63f2a3fd26c98e4.png

    1. Outcast


      @Ravin :) Geting carried in COD too. Smh

    2. Ravin


      my ping was 900 the whole game xd

  8. idk ur sr support team ur should know
  9. Green - Makes heli have a seizure. Yellow - Drains fuel Purple - 2 of these slots, one on each side of heli. Disables engine
  10. Ravin's cat jumped on his keyboard. Idk why hes banned. These staff are retarded. Servers dying ?

    1. Outcast


      Ya really gotta watch those cats tho.

    2. i win

      i win

      I fucking hate it when that happens. ?

  11. Olympus made a big mistake. We cannot afford to give the Venezualan more power ?‍♂️

    1. Strae


      Don't make me carry you on siege again ?

    2. Lukeee


      Who keeps giving this squatter rank ups 

  12. o7. you can now carry @maxg fulltime on rb6 because hes actually terrible
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