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Everything posted by Iloveanime_astral

  1. Yea.. I usually end up flying my uninsured orca around the map looking for a rebel that isn't being camped just to be shot as I step out of my heli. Pretty aids.
  2. Last and Xeltini VS Olympus Entertainment Court case #2211


    They didn't know!!

  3. S3 abdera 3 crater. Pm me or post an offer
  4. Explain?
  5. 4 crater offer
  6. s3 closest oil shed. Its like 150m away from proccesing. Offer if you want it
  7. Selling S3 Abdera 4 crater. Post / pm offers. https://gyazo.com/4404295e9160b871f0a7c824b6a1ffb8
  8. Price? 400k and i'll buy
    1. maxg


      holy fuck you have a high sens

    2. ItsGG


      holy fuck thats shitty

    3. destruct


      Hey, look at the upside - no war points lost, but, war points gained!

  9. I like it probably not gonna happen tho lol. The continuous grind for money is so tedious . One of the main reasons I stopped playing... and this new vehicle crafting system seems worse than doing a run xd
  10. Abdera house sold.
  11. Abdera 3 crater: https://gyazo.com/6db23406e8e064d09efb3b44bd66bea3 DP25 moonshine 3 crater and garage: https://gyazo.com/1ae54be4f86a77a21b2ae18b2eff014d Yeast garage. (Easier to pull tempest there to pick rather then driving from pyrgos or south air): https://gyazo.com/9e364ce32a7be066820fd9afaaf7af5c Mushroom bungalow (3 crater): https://gyazo.com/4c2fdc53be1c974c68283586b8403a84 Shed: https://gyazo.com/b60ea868d5ee588d353a46a1b96e9bec
  12. People / gangs out to rob check everything anyways. Also not hard to figure out who does what runs after a bit of time on the server, and sold materials could be stolen. Time to change things up if you're so concerned about your usual runs being robbed.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zurph


      sneaky, haha

    3. Iloveanime_astral


      Engine off just got dropped out of nowhere scared me tbh haha

    4. Zurph


      they made the plane really OP with the ghost hawk gun

  13. Yea just a bit tedious buying in bulk with the server hop cool down. Anyways how much for the mk1 tazers?
  14. What server is all this gear on
  15. 3 crater close to rebel and air. Can pick mushrooms with a plane and land it there at air... open for offers https://gyazo.com/37143cc8190ca240283fb003a48549f7
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