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About Ziggyuwu

  • Birthday May 30

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    1. d a k o t a

      d a k o t a

      aren't you permed for hacking

    2. Ziggyuwu


       @ d a k o t a buddy if thats all you have to say ur trippin

    3. Canadian


      whens the basto 3 montage coming out dak?

  1. if half of y'all stopped playing this game and touched grass you'd get some bitches on your dick

    1. Frato


      Yet here you are on the oly forums with no bitches on your dick ironic


    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      damn looking at the prices made me depressed. Rolled a ST FN drop and got jewed

    2. Ziggyuwu


      @ Strafe if it was  a butterfly knife i would been up good but now im down bad 

  3. @ikiled lets have a boxing match

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Bro I know you ain't chatting shit on ya boy @ikiled


  4. the only reason i come back to this dogshit server is for the status updates and @Ryan went and broke them.

  5. da homie @bastro really be off restrictions 

  6. man youtube has some banger movies on it


  7. if you think about it cartel fighting is just seeing who can hold a rock for longer than another person for ego points

  8. anyone have the clip of the LT who pulled a ghosthawk and gunned down a bunch of kids in kav?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mighty


      I know i have the full audio file. Ill check my computer when i get home and see if i still have the video

    3. Dominick Ramos
    4. Mighty


      Still the best olympus video out there. 10/10

  9. where my concussion boys at

  10. Ziggyuwu


    gonna miss ya bud
  11. so good news my cpu, mobo, ram and psu work bad news gpu dead @Rexo whats my next course of action? looking at where the liquid landed it looks like it was right behind the gpu (like the actual gpu on the board) so far i've disassembled it and im gonna let it dry out on the weekend because im not gonna be here
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