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d a k o t a

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Everything posted by d a k o t a

  1. booooo. Now i have to get on and make money. And if a gang has to spawn in pygros to fly over to warzone reb, vigis are definitely gonna camp that and also rebel camping. We should get some rebels setup or get some temp shops before hand. But that would require a update. Not trying to gear up and have Kav rebel or something get camped by a different gang/vigis. Same with warzone rebel.
  2. Lets us use titans. Also will we be getting our loadouts comped or do we have to spend our own money
  3. I live in EST, not totally mad but still.
  4. Server 3 says it goes down at 4 am, but it went down at 2 am like always. I feel like i was cheated out of my run
  5. 2m for Mar-10 Lethal.
  6. Send Offers, Dont care about mags.
  7. 500k
  8. I have a house in abdera server 3, 3 crater. 1 mil
  9. How come server 3 is down, i want to make some money and kill some cops.
  10. @spongynamir Oh you're Kiosk. We're at war. So please dont kill
  11. Get on server 3. Im on
  12. 3 crater No? youll have to upgrade it
  13. 1.25m?
  14. https://gyazo.com/c81725d5ac4e1f2c4bba246b61b53f94 Offer?
  15. https://gyazo.com/c81725d5ac4e1f2c4bba246b61b53f94 Offers
  16. Taking offers. Will post picture when I get home.
  17. You much did you buy it for lmfao. And will there be more push for updates/hotfixes that will fix major bugs.
  18. It was when the server went up, there was only 10 people on plus the 2 cops, The cops saw him while chasing me around and came back to take him because Shepard didnt get to turn me in. I may still have the recording of shepard getting pissed.
  19. Kinda stupid how he impounded your Hemmet, but when he tased me he didnt want to impound my box.
  20. Lol.
  21. Who even uses the Rahim, its so ass.
  22. Please send real offer
  23. Im looking to buy a bunch of po7s. hmu for price
  24. thats a rip. i think it look cool since you cant buy it. thanks for telling me
  25. How much does a COP pistol cost?
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