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Everything posted by Ernesto

  1. o7 didnt know you much but you seemed like a great guy
  2. New updates are gonna be amazing
  3. wots life now a days
  4. Feelsbadman
  5. 4 deps = 1 lieutenant
  6. Who dat
  7. +1 accidentally drop a grenade next to some trucks
  8. HoW'd U KnOw
  9. How'd u know
  10. lov u too
  11. pretty gud boring summer
  12. How's everyones day or overall summer been going so far?
  13. Ah okay xd makes sense now in that case POG dont slave me when you guys rule olympus
  14. Never met them but unless theyre intentionally trying to ruin peoples day I wouldnt see a reason to hate a group therefore love them
  15. Imigur is pretty good for any clips that are 1 minute long
  16. Whats wrong with youtube?
  17. You dont have to you can but most the times you'll get yelled at by your higher up so I wouldnt :3 unless told so
  18. Time to do fat runs while theres only 4 people on
  19. I'd say they should add a toy story themed one I estimate wetsuit sales will go up as explained in this graph = but I agree with the supreme ones also really good i'd go for D
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