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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. Take a toaster and drop it in the tub, its light drowning but not like drowning
  2. Meh depending on his Ping and how much he wants to tank, if his pings low and hes tanking, he's worth at least 15 Tho his ass never has good ping
  3. Shit bro if i woke up to a free drink i wouldn't complain
  4. This looks like a trap, when did Nicole send you this...
  5. monster


    Ill just rip your keys
  6. monster


    Screenshot - https://gyazo.com/635e170fb5d0c2e49fdb8ae843d9fb68
  7. Sick anomaly meme but its a dead meme
  8. monster


    Your offer still stand?
  9. monster


    Your offer still stands correct?
  10. monster


    except the bullet just literally starts to drop fast af after 100m
  11. monster


    Ill sell to highest offer once i get home from school in 2 hours
  12. When you bet someone put your hands up and you will win and i 4 sure will not come up and restrain you
  13. wait a minute? aint it 1mil for the house in the first place then like an extra 500k for upgrades and u be offering 800k niba
  14. Wait i still never got a response, how much for the GPS Trackered hatchback sport @Patreck?
  15. monster


    Selling 1 ASP1 w/ 4 mags, not home atm will get screenshots l8r Pm or post prices below
  16. 1 Craters hold 750 2 craters hold 1900 3 craters hold 2200 4 craters hold 2900
  17. How much for the GPS trackered hatchback sport?
  18. only 10mil? ive lost closer to 50mil.... @Peter Long add amount of money lost while betting to stats page
  19. Man if Gunhand cant deal with aids, just wait till he got 12 year olds screaming "WHY DID YOU BAN ME?" on that server that will never come out
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