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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. I have like ~190 rockets listed on auction house.
  2. The only reason it's being downvoted was because you suggested increasing the cooldown between federal events to 1hr and we disagree because it has already been increased multiple times. Let's put something into perspective right, old timer used to be 15 MINUTES between different events, so if you went from Fed -> Fed, timer would be 30 minutes, but if you went Fed -> BW it was 15, it was then increased to 30 minutes no matter what to allow the APD more of a break inbetween, and then further more increased recently when it was changed to be a 45 minute timer in between events IF the bomb had blown, you have more than enough time in between events to break off and do something else for a little bit, or log off if you prefer not to participate in another federal events, further increasing the already annoyingly long timer just takes away from our content (especially when considering it can be a struggle to get and keep enough cops for an events).
  3. hm you paying for dms
  4. monster

    WTB Cyrus

    Sold them to me and @ Headtaps
  5. Congrats @ Sevro  on sgt!

  6. guys should i get the new android or iphone 🥺

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. -dante-


      ^ pretending to be oblivious to the joke is sometimes the best part about a joke. But yeah, probably. Unfortunately most people aren’t gonna get a like 5 (6?) year joke lmao

    3. SPBojo


      What phone did you end up getting tho @ Dante

    4. -dante-


      @ SPBojo tbh I think it was the iPhone X that year. My s7 edge got cracked falling out my lap at a gas station on the camera side a few days before I was going to my first nhl game and thank fuck was due for an upgrade. Best phone I’ve ever had too. 

  7. Congrats @ GST

    1. GST


      Thank you @ monster  Really means alot mate!

  8. @Senior APD I hear if you whitelist your friends as sergeants, meta game, and leak sAPD info the head admin will just overturn any action taken!

  9. 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉

    1. Grizzly


      If that's referring to your playtime, I promise you won't be missed 

    2. Abundant
  10. monster

    dms x2

    Sold, Please lock the topic.
  12. @ Mako  is gate keeping @ Lex  from playing olympus entertainment because he is homophobic (lex is a femboy (cute))

    1. Lucien


      Mako hates wokka cqc trial mods

    2. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Femboy you say? I know a certain lead dev who could help you out...

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