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Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by monster

  1. monster

    WTB stuff.

    I got an mxm and 6.5 supp
  2. shoot kids out of frits? i've never seen you shoot someone out of a hatchback that was still.... nevermind a ifrit
  3. o7 @codeYeTi ima miss u..



    Can I have your money? :bender-dance:

    1. maxg


      His account is getting wiped

    2. monster


      Ik I'm just memeing like always

  4. monster

    Support me

    s t a t u s u p d a t e
  5. you pressed w when you went in your map so it put you going straight down.
  6. So wait if Spanish people say sit in Spanish to there dogs, and they sit, and American people/English speaking people say sit to there dogs in English, how do the dogs interpret it? can dogs understand multiple languages? :hmm: 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      They don’t sit hello?

    3. Linka


      you just

      made me

      read this


    4. monster



  7. monster


    i think @Mason Harrison? | BFO has an mk1 tazer
  8. shit, i woulda pulled 20 more of those had i not had my lvl 200 acc not reset cause of some dumb shit
  9. dont blame me, i sold my house and all my tazers to @Nuzah..... but if you come to kav.... that zafir will be mine faster than you can say "Medic i need a heal."
  10. wait you're in CoB? 4 sure duped.... jk
  11. thats beside the point.
  12. try to rotar tap me pussy no balls.
  13. ghosthawks aint got shit on my armed huron i just stole from the APD
  14. the fuk year are you livin in, its 2016 not 2018.... fuckin time travelers i swear
  15. feelsbad, i wanted an apd armed huron ):
  16. Huron - Dep. Chief+ Is it the unarmed or armed version? also thx for invis backpacks
  17. hmm, cant do that, but i can do 28 suicide vests, if you give me enough funding
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