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Everything posted by TempleOS

  1. Go back to Reddit
  2. Make your own. Unblockable (unless they block the IP you're hosting it from) Use OpenVPN + obfsproxy (to bypass deep packet inspection). Really good combo, works amazing for me. I host it on my dedi with gigabit speed so I can stream Netflix and even torrent using it. Link to well written tutorial on the process: https://bustedsocket.com/tutorials/2017/11/how-to-set-up-openvpn-with-obfsproxy.php
  3. If for some reason the images don't work you can view it here: https://islamisbad.info/comics/olympus/1/
  4. That's no way of saying "welcome back" to your favorite forum member
  5. https://medium.com/@SharonZellman/the-racist-origin-of-the-t-pose-why-it-needs-to-be-stopped-2d1f04fcdfa2 Obviously just a joke, but still a good meme
  6. He will be missed that man could freestyle like a god
  7. https://zetanor.bandcamp.com/releases This is amazing
  8. Or don't play the game at all. Problem double solved Simple solution, don't hurt your arm in the first place. Solved.
  9. RAYRAY more like GAYGAY therefore RAYRAY == homosexual
  10. What is the shit music on your profile page

    you disgust me

    1. Savage


      Who's mans that's some of the best music I've listed to in a while

    2. destruct
    3. Regal


      Love me some Bill Wurtz

  11. I am going to make TWENTY accounts a ahaha ahahaha
  12. please stop texting this number
  13. the one where the guy does the thing then he dies LOL
  14. i don't like your ATTITIUDE sir
  15. a ahaha ahahaha ahahaha I have returned to induce more suffering be prepared
  16. Do you ever stop and think that something is unusually stupid before you post it?
  17. You're* you illiterate moron
  18. Literally nobody asked
  19. lol rip you haha
  20. Did you even read it? And here I thought that connecting your device to the internet required an IQ higher than a brick but I guess not
  21. Yo your PFP is Robbie Blumpkin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TempleOS
    3. TheRealKyle


      Lmao so happy you linked me this. Guy seems funny as fuck.

    4. TempleOS


      He is, I love him


      still my favorite post

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