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Rich Homie Quan

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Rich Homie Quan last won the day on November 17 2015

Rich Homie Quan had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. about time stupid
  2. why are people still viewing your profile?

    1. Rich Homie Quan
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      People searching for them pdub tips.

    3. Nuski


      Because he makes them feel some type of way :Kappa:

  3. well i mean when you take a group of people that play the game for fun and mix them with the kids trying to play in the next arma 3 dreamhack finals this is the reaction you get. kinda like how devil is when he plays cs with us :^)
  4. D3V1L.kawaii everyone

    2 years worth of semen: quan'
    2 years worth of semen: u want me to mail you some lady bugs?
    daddy issues: i want you to mail me lady bugs as much as you want me to mail you waifu pillows
    2 years worth of semen is now Online.
    2 years worth of semen: k so deal
    daddy issues: k
    daddy issues: is that u admitting
    daddy issues: u want waifu pillows
    2 years worth of semen: Sometimes one must take a loss in order to achieve what he wants.
    daddy issues: so that means u want waifu pillows
    2 years worth of semen: I shall accept them if you accept my bugs
    daddy issues: so u want waifu pillows
    daddy issues: u want waifu pillows dont u squidward
    2 years worth of semen: HANG YOURSELF
    2 years worth of semen: but
    2 years worth of semen: If i have one then I can be in alot of threesomes ;D
    daddy issues: .
    daddy issues: .
    daddy issues: .
    daddy issues: .
    2 years worth of semen: ;DD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. D3V1L


      To the pound with you. Enjoy being put down you dirty dog.

    3. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      Transferal of what you cannot defeat to a segregated area may be the most dishonest way to win.

    4. D3V1L


      Its ok to be butt hurt. Dw I'll make sure they make it quick at the pound.

  5. tfw the greatest shit post of 2015 gets hidden

  6. gun down this fucking degenerate and by gun down i mean perm his dumb ass
  7. then why isn't my boy gravity unbanned from the great ban wave of ares in 2k14 for the trunk dupe honestly
  8. www.feelsbadman.com
  9. tfw a thread gets locked b4 u can get ur shitpost in www.feelsbadman.com

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HamOfMoose


      i was havin fun with that thread til ace relocked it

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    4. HamOfMoose
  10. virus did it when the server was filled with a bunch of great players too ; ;
  11. jesus fuck you all sound like le retards in cs matchmaking tone it down
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