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Everything posted by Dab

  1. Admins really let their dongs hang. We get a #FREEDABOYS & a massive shopping spree? It’s a Kavala Christmas Miracle.
  2. Dab


    Get lost
  3. Warning : you’re stealing my joke
  4. Dab

    Car bomb

    Tree Fiddy. PM me
  5. Dab

    Cartel Life

    The reason gangs are such shit is because any retard can leave his gang to start a new one.. ANd there all shit.. They come a dime a dozen.
  6. Dab

    Cartel Life

    Change the cost to start a gang. Make it like 1-5 mil.
  7. Dab

    WTS speed bomb

  8. Rum ham
  9. Hey are these still available? I'll give you 10 mill a piece>?
  10. Sick... I'll take both. 5 mil for both?
  11. gg RIP APD Keychain Life
  12. Can confirm, a better CPU would help with solid arma frames & definitely get an SSD if you get any stutters/drops. *Trigger Warning * I play on a fuckin iMac using an external SSD drive to load up windows. Always got 60fps because of the i7, but when I was using a spinning disk external I would get lag/drops in combat. Switched the spinning disk for an SSD & don't get any frame dropouts anymore.
  13. Mario64... You are being denied medical services indefinitely.
  14. Go to server 3. Leave Kavala. Spawn Athira/Sofia/Pyrgos. Buy Gun. Buy Backpack. Buy a Offroad pickup - Get insurance & upgrade storage. Pick a legal/illegal run & go for it. - Check market prices for best returns & to see who's running what - Don't take the fastest most obvious routes between fields & processors to drug dealer/traders. - Don't buy huge trucks until you are loaded or have solid numbers in your crew ( thassa redflag & you'll surely be robbed ) - Hide your car between buildings, in tall grass, or make it look crashed & abandoned it ( even if it means you gotta run a little - get a red gull or two ) - Listen for vehicles & helis patrolling - beware of whats going on and be ready to fight/dip out - Watch side chat for those dummies who talk about locations ( don't ask questions here ) - Don't put double clicked markers on map ( everyone will see you marked the map ) - Type out an engagement text & copy/paste it - if you see some suspicious shit rollin up on you, pop that text and get ready to shoot it out. Basically try to do small load runs back to back, instead of high risk hauls until you get the hang of it & more numbers on your side. The more time you spend picking in a field or processing in a plant, the higher chance you have someone will show up. This is how I started on olympus... running coke solo dolo in a offroad pick up truck.
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