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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Droid:)

  1. Droid:)

    Im out

    o7 homie
  2. This is great
  3. nah im good but thanks
  4. how much you want for spar 16s with both mags?
  5. Put offers below
  6. TS down for anyone else?

    1. proud
    2. Google


      Nope, ensure that you are connecting to the correct IP Address.
      Teamspeak IP - ts.olympus-entertainment.com

  7. did fuzzy just get banned xd

  8. 500k for spar 16s and do myou have mags? you*
  9. Anyone ever try and log into an olympus server and get caught looking at the map and never load into lobby. If anyone knows know to fix this please leave advice. Im stuck.
  10. please make cops have wave rules its so aids
  11. Merry Crisis Everyone

  12. have a long house 2k from pro hold 133 each ing. 800 inv space in all
  13. Void
  14. 2 dollars
  15. damn im ready
  16. Please post a screenshot of the location and the price and i will get back to you
  17. Droid:)


    Ill sell you mine for $1
  18. ouch
  19. Really? Shit can you tell me where to buy them? im confused
  20. yeah +1
  21. 27
  22. who the fuck cares im 16 and still have fun playing it
  23. change your name back
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