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Everything posted by Montez

  1. the incentive is that fact of you make money when people sell drugs for the corresponding cartel that you capped lmfao
  2. What do you mean? of course they do. i once found a navid in neo HQ. you're just not looking hard enough
  3. being an underaged cop and making bank lmfao
  4. was sitting on top of wz rebel popped a single shot at the kids on cap. as i was running down tower it smacked some kid in the face and killed him. (my hard drive was full at the time so shadowplay didn't want to record it ;-;)
  5. 4m+ would be nice but it doesn't really matter, better than it just sitting in my garage lmfao
  6. i've got a minigun quillin if you want to buy it, i'm up for offers. i never use it.
  7. can anyone even "win" this game? people will just keep seeing it and keep posting. or is the game "be the last post before the topic gets locked"?
  8. bro hook me up with that fuckin' TRG
  9. Montez

    new to olympus

    Welcome to Oly, Enjoy your stay! We have complementary salt, rage, and toxicity. My name is Montez, and i'll be your guide through this magical land of dank memes and angry teens.
  10. Montez


    Hadi could literally buy all of us
  11. the fucking space force was a meme foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... that gear looks cool as fuck tho
  12. Montez


    this same kind of idea on a proper car that's used in the server would pretty nice good job man!
  13. that is a rip in the chat bois.
  14. the ability to speak clearly.
  15. https://gyazo.com/fcc3a9c3b0d8d5439089b153bc84e3d9
  16. dunno what version you're using but i could put a fuckin 25x times scope on mine lmfao, and i'm 4 shotting people at 500m wearing level 3 armor. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. shit u rite. nah bur fr chief smgs shouldn't be killing in 4 shots at 500m
  18. Denied i'll be surpised if they even add this thing, just went into the editor and you can fucking snipe people at 500m with this thing. it's basically a mark 1 with no recoil. (not counting penatration and all that)
  19. perhaps add the standard short barrel verson to rebel shop, and the long barrel version for WPs. Would be nice to see this added for junior APD, but idk :/
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