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Texture Designer
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Everything posted by maxg

  1. @ xsmitherz I believe we might need to organize an ATU Buy-Back program to get these weapons of mass destruction off the streets
    1. Wong


      3 guys 1 gate

    2. Kodakk


      @ Caden just wanted to kill the hobo before me im sure he was in god mode

  2. Breaking ATU News!

    The Sub-Section of the APD codenamed "Anti Taser Unit" has defeated cartel leader Fredo twice in one day! 

    This is ground breaking, I think hes falling off!!

  3. we need to get you and @ Scribble together to make a podcast about how the whole server is against you guys, these conspiracy theories are crazy
  4. does she have you at gun point? @ Tyrone Jefferson
  5. 532a3d6fefbbbd5762de3b0183ee02e7.png

    looking good!! @ hawk

  6. if anyone has been waiting to buy gang uniforms, put in a request. texture design is slightly more alive now :peepoclown:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jig


      Shoutout to me for reviving the faction!!!

    3. billdroid


      Designer not a faction

    4. Lucien


      Design is popping (until school starts!)

  7. Congrats my boyy @ Kaotic

    Good shit @ Wong  well deserved

  8. Happy Birthday to an OG @ Kamikaze

  9. happy birthday @ Clashingtin  please don't touch my dog again

    1. Clashingtin


      Sorry I thought it was you it was all dark in your room 

  10. come on pal... be transparent what we rockin' with here
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