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Everything posted by Peterr

  1. @Masoooooooooon old man happy birthday.

    1. Masonn


      Thanks LT Pita

  2. nines - crabs in a bucket, best album out.

  3. Peterr

    selling stuff

    why u sellin my mxm tazer @House
  4. Like everyone in the thread is saying both servers is being attacked and there seems to be an issue with the database just be patient and wait.
  5. @Noahhh! I would understand if like this was a year ago and people were some-what inclined to do runs and that will increase server pop so it makes sense. But in 2020 when there are servers that offer straight money for just holding a capture point for 2 minutes or getting a kill in warzone no one from the "cartel fighting" groups will ever sit here and increase the server pop by doing runs. When people have the option to fight and get funded for next loadout they will take it specially in 2020. You have to realize this sooner then later.
  6. I've had a chat with the ddosers... they wont stop unless we get the conquest buffs and the group cap. Sorry team.

  7. It's not that easy man.
  8. i can sell u mxm for 300k, 125k way too low.
  9. mxm give offer
  10. thats what i was told lol i don't really know price, well give offer anyways aishon.
  11. mxm like 450k
  12. unknown mur?
  13. I think more staff during conquests spectating/moderating or even just playing would be good and would make it better without a lot of development. (I.e the player cap and money changes that are being talked about)

  14. Welcome back!
  15. It was fun while it was lasted rabid.
  16. yankee gangs smh
  17. Weirdchamp
  18. Peterr

    good job

    It wasn't very fun to see a hawk in conquest which is suppose to be a on ground event not a dodge the 2000 6.5mm bullets raining from the sky event....
  19. Peterr


    Wb fella
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