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Reformed Skrood

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Reformed Skrood last won the day on December 7 2018

Reformed Skrood had the most liked content!


About Reformed Skrood

  • Birthday 01/03/2001

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  1. who gives a fuck
  2. change the map for tmrw conq chernus makes the game settings hdr stuck on low and fucks it up its a shit mode

    1. lukie


      no cherno is great dont change it

  3. why tf one of the conq mods making my hdr go to low and wont change 

    1. Jazzy


      pretty sure that only happens on cherno

  4. selling 700 warpoints 13k for each
  5. you dont need to o7 me , your in my basement
  6. allow ghosthawks to go conq yea thats a good idea , shut it down dead server 

  7. @Headless should make the conquests a little bit early so EU people can play as well.

    1. Reformed Skrood

      Reformed Skrood

      ofc I understand I am not talking about this one just in genral if you make it a little bit early more people will be on

    2. silton


      NA server? 

  8. I know , but still It`s aids they shouldnt come at all
  9. last cartel event cops pulled up to warzone with 2 ghosthawks so don`t tell civs can do retarded shit in events
  10. @Ryan still waiting for my mvp 

  11. @Nagate WE NEEED YOU TO 1V9 AGAIN
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