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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Finally got a new chair. I'll be back streaming tomorrow if all goes to plan.

  2. Apparently frogs are illegal items ;) I never knew....

  3. I'm going to cancel the BLTN cast tonight. With the update I'm honestly not feeling it and everyone would rather play then watch. I might have us do a recording in a few days instead.

  4. Debating if we should even do BLTN tonight. Don't think anyone is going to watch it.

    1. Snake


      I'll watch it bae

  5. I know paychecks are lower. I'm getting like 2.5k or something and I'm $100
  6. Top 20 money car I shall drive you soon girl

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Did you pull all of the money from your gang bank? I'm not on the list anymore, haha!

  7. Let's just say it's going to feel like an all new altis life. I just hope it doesn't impact performance :/
  8. We will still be live tomorrow for BLTN Ep 7. Message me if you want to come on!

  9. A lot of people don't want to grind again to get back to where they are now. People will leave and new people will come.
  10. How I feel after the wipe will determine if I take a break or not.

    1. PO Box

      PO Box

      I won't be able to enjoy the full fresh start feeling :(

    2. Wheeler


      Hey you pushed for it, Rough it out with the rest of us

    3. Warfare


      I wouldn't be taking a break because of the wipe but more so if I feel like playing Altis Life.

  11. I'm digging it but I think you should remove the big ford on the side of it.
  12. Today 100+ explosive charges will go off in Kavala....Will the server survive?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dustin87


      Nice. It went pretty cool but video didnt work so i will snag the big one!

    3. Thomas


      Post the video of this or ban

    4. Rich homie

      Rich homie

      There was like 3 buildings that weren't destroyed

  13. When I was on the dev server and I upgraded my orca the black stayed on it as the default color selected was black. I believe before it was simple a bug.
  14. I love me some good RP. To the cops that do it back I salute you

    1. EvilMinion


      i had a squad of 4 apd pull me and a buddy over last night and had us rolling so hard yet they were still so serious gotta love thos good apd RPers.

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      You know a cop is great when he accepts trial by combat.

  15. As bill said it's all about giving players the ability to spend their money and have fun. Also Poseidon still needs to prep and finish any last features/bugs he's working on.
  16. More like remove some of the m900 skins and add some others in. However I would rather see more vehicles get different skins then allowing the apd to have a bunch of different skins for a single car.
  17. The mass murders are going to be high tonight.
  18. I feel like someone just beat the shit out of me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Warfare


      but your penis is probably right thomas.

    3. Fedot


      your penis talks?

    4. Thomas


      Yes he tells your mom to open wide all the time

  19. who needs number 1 on the rich list when you could be top poster!
  20. Okay, not sure what that has to do with how you took a picture.
  21. Could be using a program like gyazo or puush
  22. Got to keep dem forums active.
  23. late night truce grinds will be off the charts.
  24. The problem is Poseidon wants to limit the amount of skins on the server do to the update size. It's the whole reason why we won't get a apd zamak.
  25. If I can avoid the lag you will start seeing me stream Arma again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bacardi


      Yeah its a real disipointment

    3. DeathDingo


      I get 60-90 fps on other games and 20-30 on arma, but my cpu is weak and I need to upgrade is why I think.

    4. bigselge


      Dingo, I have basically a brand new custom built PC, and I still only get about 20 fps with ARMA. It is just a really hard game to run.

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