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Status Replies posted by Warfare

  1. 3 Ghosthawks in 9 minutes^^

  2. Great day when it takes 14 cops to catch you :)

  3. Now everyone can "Get good" at A3L check out my guide!

  4. Why are the servers so desync'd? Are the admins spending all of Ebzekros donations on Thai hookers or something?

  5. What happened to baby boo wheatkings? : (

  6. To start streaming again or to not

    1. Warfare


      I stopped because I didn't want to be on a schedule...probably going to start again but on a new account.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Can we get some events this weekend?

  8. OVH's datacenter may be having network issues, just an fyi.

    1. Warfare


      Server 1 hasn't crashed but people are getting disconnected bubbaloo

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. I average since join date 4.9 posts a day. Bubbaloo averages almost 7. And warfare comes in @ a healthy 5.9. Bojo comes in @ 4.1

    1. Warfare


      I would like to thank my mother for helping me achieve this award. I couldn't do it without her constant encouragement and allowing me to stay up past my bedtime.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Server 1 full and almost 30 people on Server 2 at 2:30 am CST, WE'RE BACK BOYS!

  11. Been busy with work for the past month and a half so I haven't played much. Just got on to play some APD and saw I am now de-whitelisted from corporal and apd. Makes me sad, but I guess I understand. Was great getting to know everyone, and I had a blast. Just don't know how much I will be on Olympus anymore :(

  12. i think there needs to be a button so you can confirm you want to sell a vehicle i accidentally miss clicked and sold an upgraded mohawk for 400k the bitch cost me near a million :( Peak times

  13. Good Fight M, That was one hell of a fucking fight!

    1. Warfare


      Longest fight I have ever experienced. The amount of overall death was completely unreal.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. I have 2 Vehicular manslaughter's, .50 some M guys, was a good fight!

  15. Today's events were amazing. Shoutout to 'M' for the action and the cleanup we did was beautifully executed by us, just to boost :3

  16. Gfuel Fruit Punch is sorta gross, so artifical its hard to drink :/

  17. Everyone on the server is in the same gang. Where is the fun in that?

    1. Warfare


      No one is willing to make a new one and put the time in.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  18. Hotfix for broken name tags, picking up items and some other stuff coming out next restart. Also no crashes since we started using the experimental server.exe yesterday, so that's nice :P

  19. BLTN after corporal meeting. HMU if you are trying to come on.

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