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Everything posted by Tyronee

  1. is it just me or are you trying to suck some dick right now for that sR&R
  2. I want to enter


    1. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      FINALLY!!!!! I main a DK so I'm hype'd xD

  4. i'm on server 2 if you wanna buy it
  5. got mk1 tazer if you want
  6. got a rpg launcher 1.5m?
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      we just let our nuts hang

    3. Bloodmoon


      Fortunately, there is a bank and pharma that was made for inexperienced gangs, I'm sure you'd have success there.

    4. Tyronee


      There was a time i would of called out for all of the BS that DB made but since that time has passed and i have matured I will just ignore your comments and enjoy what little fun I have left on olympus

  7. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198093920656/
  8. The new pyrgos rebel is prob the most cop sided rebel you can ever find in the entire game

  9. WHY CANT CIVS GET Y-32 Xi'an Infantry???
  10. This man took one for the team!

  11. Looking for 3.5m+ https://gyazo.com/0ee4f2eee942a221ff66ee94e42ea3be
  12. pm plez
  13. looking for 50+ warpoints
  14. very niceee https://gyazo.com/bf0e6e042fc233e667511d67a6ae2121
  15. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198093920656/#sort=order
  16. ADR? really?
  17. s2 dp 22 3 crater you want it?
  18. Selling it for 3m if anyone is interested
  19. if anyone is interested in it, feel free to message https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1733124207
  20. Tyronee

    WTS gear

  21. Hey i just noticed that almost every person on olympus has over 8m+ even those with like 1h in game. Now I dont know if its a bug or something but you guys should prob take a look into this.

    1. NexIV


      they know already, being worked on.

    2. Tacosmell


      If you refer to a post by @EVAN95464 an admin confirms that it is being worked on as of right now

  22. selling it for 3m if anyone wants
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