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About Blue

R&R Medic
APD Officer
  • Birthday 07/24/1991

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. @ Big Boss Fredo my nigga
  2. here is a better pic
  3. The glock 48 is my EDC the other three are glove box guns that I rotate every week. I would post a higher quality photo but i am out of space because this website blows dick
  4. Love when people expose that soy boy lol
  5. Come on baby, daddy needs those 300 warpoints!
  6. Happy birthday @ XnavrasX  you cutie pie 😍😋

  7. this took me out bro @ ares
  8. I have been apart of this community since early 2015 and have dedicated 1000+ hours and have completed over 250+ interviews for the R&R faction in my two tenures as a senior. I have made many friends and seen people come and go. This server has helped me get through good and bad times. I hope this server continues to grow and transfer to Arma 4 [hopefully when we are not old and have grey hair]
  9. He is a special one he got shit on by an EMT yesterday so he pulled this. lmao
  10. Happy birthday monkey boy

  11. Rest in peace @ Smitty901 You were solid. Proud to have called you my friend.

  12. @ Big Boss Fredo shits on @ Clash
  13. That's tough getting robbed my a naked with a po7 while trying to hide in a hunter with a mark-1. Theeennnnn getting 2 of your hunters chopped right in front of you.
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