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Everything posted by Bugsy

  1. How much?
  2. It’s not worth much because no one cares about the uniforms it’s the guns we all want
  3. How much for the envg
  4. Well it seems like the fed boys are too stupid to fully understand how to milk now...just requires having two deputies to milk. I’ve seen them milk worse. They milked ares I’m gate 3 dome and a mar-10 lethal in broken house for almost 6 minutes sooo.....
  5. Has this rollback happened yet?
  6. I do not see it as unrealistic or uncharacteristic to ask the APD to actually train people on anything really. I never said that these trainings must be mandatory. If you offer the option for fed training for POs+ those who take the option will most likely be the ones who are active for federal events. Those who don’t will either be the @Lincoln Williams Roleplayers or those who will not be active for the APD and will be more focused on civ life. Would probably also be a good measure of rank progression as it would help to give you an idea of which POs will be your backbone for fed events and probably deserve a rank upgrade.
  7. How much has the call-outs changed since then? Also same issue you put call outs in a video and expect APD to know how to push? I’m saying it requires more effort on SAPD part and to actually show/teach new ranking officers in game how to push a fed. Make it apart of deputy training or add training at each rank where the rank above them shows them the new ins and outs of their rank and include how to push feds for the PO rank training. But that would probably require more FTOs
  8. Easy solution to aids communications during fed events in cop channels/cop stacks is simple. give Corp+ the ability to make themselves the priority speaker in the channel, and the highest ranking APD member takes control of the commands in the channel. Also discipline those who are shooting the shit and just dicking around in the teamspeak as well. Make tac coms an essential rule for federal events. Only those who are alive should be talking in the channel, and only to give call outs or directions. @Pledge easy fix for idiotic comms for APD fed events. I don’t think just giving the APD fed call outs will help too much @DeadPool has already made a video for each event with call outs for the APD and they still don’t do well. I’d say actually teaching them how to push properly would go a lot farther than just giving them call outs.
  9. If you are talking about the BW after the fed then I can understand that one, but if you are talking about the 5th wave PO lethals prior to the ghost hawk steal that is kinda abusive. It was 18 chops vs 20 civs. And y’all had a nice cop stack going as well. Also, the PO lethals were authorized before the Ghost hawk was even at the BW. The PO lethals were authorized while the Ghosthawk was still trying to escape the other APD ghost hawk that was chasing it around Kavala-Neochari area. As a PO ya I want lethals because tasing and restraining at big events is difficult, but when it is authorized for shit reasons, or even because the bomb blows in 5 minutes and your only on the 4th or 5th wave because a deputy got milked, or the SAPD/server owner gets milked for some 5-6 minutes each wave. A better solution to having PO lethals authorized would be to actually teach your POs and Deputies how to actually do a federal event.
  10. Selling Armed Prowler PM offers that is all.
  11. Move this post to marketplace damnit.
  12. You’re retarded it has already been abused within the day that it was released. Just ask the boys at the BW last night how fast cops loaded lethal for POs (3rd wave) when it was 13 civs to 17 cops.
  13. Basically looking for a use for my armed vehicles in general. What do you like to use your illegal vehicles for?
  14. How much for the dms?
  15. It's been a while since I've seen anything regarding the Vigilante Tiers. I tried searching for it on the forums but come up with nothing but people selling cop gear, and complaining about vigilante's being OP etc. etc. I'd just like either an explanation at what vigilante's get at each tier with the arrest count required, or a link to the forum post if possible. Thank you for your time and keep fighting.
  16. Not sure if this has been addressed directly. I know they stated that medic times and revives will be comped with evidence but will the money for the revives be comped as well? I’ve seen some segueing it shouldn’t due to an increase in pvp activity due to hacked funds. Basically when you say revives will be comped is that saying the 17,500 per revive will be comped to the medic or is that saying that just the stat will be comped to the medic?
  17. Bugsy


    I believe we did just read roleplay...leave it to RnR to bring the roleplay to the forums...now we just need the APD to bring the downvote button back.
  18. what about wps? I just got like 21 in the past like 15 minutes.
  19. So many responses so I may have read over this, but two questions: 1.) When will the servers be rolled back? 2.) Should I even keep trying to make money or wait until rollback?
  20. Not sure what your problem is but I rarely have to submit a ticket...just stay out of kavala
  21. Bugsy

    WTB Gear

    Looking to buy Pilot Coveralls from BW and other assorted gear from the BW crates. PM me with any gears for sale and items along with price. thank you
  22. I’d say no to Kavala castle idea due to the how close it is to not only kavala itself, but also due to APD hq being right beneath the castle itself. You’d have cops and APD constantly checking it, just from trying to take off in a helicopter.
  23. If you really wanna give the server more action I’d say make pharma have a better pay out, and boost sell price for runs and processing speeds for illegal runs. That’ll incentivize players to do more illegal activities, and also make more money in the process. Then cop and RnR won’t be a fling 30 minutes at hospital or hq
  24. Is it possible to make it so that vigilantes cannot PSU off bounties that they accrue? Especially robbing charges. Also make it so that a Vigi can’t be used by a gang to restrain RnR and APD persons without getting a bounty.
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